
Hangover Bar: the world's first hangover bar opened in Amsterdam

Hangover Bar

Looking forward to December and with it many pre-New Year's parties. Many people will look too deeply into the glass that night and lie in bed with the cat the next day. You've probably heard of many ways to cure a hangover, but definitely not this one. In Amsterdam, for all those who partied too wildly the night before and feel the negative consequences the next day, the world's first hangover bar has been opened, which in a unique way helps alleviate the consequences of drinking. It sounds like the name Hangover Bar. And no, it's not a wedge-with-a-wedge method.

After a sleepless night and when with a cat lying in bed, you're probably vowing never to drink alcohol again. And the idea of turning into a bar still crushed seems to be at odds with common sense. But not if you visit Hangover Bar, the world's first bar for hangover treatment, which was recently opened in Amsterdam. Here they help you in an innovative way to get rid of it as soon as possible.

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The Hangover Bar is open from Friday to Sunday between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m, and the interior of the bar is in complete contrast to the image of bars we are used to. In it you will not find a dance floor, a bar, a lot of spotlights and a series of alcoholic drinks, but things that make you feel better, that is plenty of greenery, which creates fresh air, fountains with drinking water for sufficient hydration, comfortable beds for quality rest and TV screens with a rich film offer.

Guests – entry is allowed only to intoxicated persons, so an employee dressed in unusual clothes performs at the entrance alcohol test – they can also play board games, indulge in a masseur and refresh themselves with vitamin drink (smoothies, etc.). For those whose appetite has already returned, it is also available food, which helps cure a hangover. If you are sick and feel like you are lacking oxygen, you can turn to oxygen bar, which uses oxygen bombs to ensure that this is no longer the case.

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A man who takes a breathalyzer test at the entrance. Sobers are not allowed to enter.
A man who takes a breathalyzer test at the entrance. Sobers are not allowed to enter.

"If we want successfully beat the hangover, we need a few things: a good mattress, good food, fun and lots of vitamins," the co-founder explains the bar's offer Joep Verbunt. The bar was opened by a start-up company Matt Sleep, which makes mattresses. It is for visiting the bar reservation required. Because there is a lot of interest in it, the founders are already looking new locations for a hangover bar.

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