
Happiness comes from you!

Happiness is in you!

Photo: envato

Life is constantly offering you an abundance of lessons, mostly through repeating patterns, to receive and understand the message and get serious about your growth and development.

Happiness starts from within you will understand this after many attempts to find it outside yourself. You expect to find happiness in love relationships, work, socializing. But when you are left with yourself, you will be empty again until you realize that you can be happy alone for no particular reason.

Your happiness does not depend on others, in the moments when you fall in love. Then, you try to grab happiness and the person you attach it to and you soon discover that it's not that simple. The fear of losing someone important to you soon puts you in a state of doubt, jealousy and other addictions. Don't deny your power to be happy and content, as well as the responsibility for your emotions - it's not always all about you.

Life is full of temptations, challenges and lessons, if you want to avoid pain, you may find that you are actually avoiding life. You cannot hide from anything, and nothing will be given to you. Open your heart and mind, find out what you really want, and then start creating what you need. Face it, take risks, if something doesn't work, try again, if it still doesn't work, try differently, be inspired by challenges and temptations.

Happiness is everywhere. Photo: Kal Visuals / Unsplash

Don't expect things to be fair. Many things will happen that are not fair. Sometimes you will feel like the universe is conspiring against you, like you are cursed. But we all feel that way sometimes. Step away, look at things from afar, from a wider perspective.

Surrender to life instead of saying something isn't fair. Be grateful for the opportunities you get, because every problem and every challenge is an opportunity to see your expectations and surrender even more deeply to the magic of life.

Changes are inevitable and necessary, to grow and develop, to change. Physically, intellectually, emotionally, psychologically. Try to embrace change, even though it is often painful and scary. Over the years, many things will change in your life, there will be losses, ups and downs, but all this is necessary to know yourself and your abilities for a fulfilled life. Change by expanding your heart and your consciousness.

Be willing to forgive your mistakes, because once you make mistakes, you can repeat them many times. Don't worry about what others will say or judge you, the important thing is not to judge yourself. Forgive yourself. To yourself and everyone around you. Try again, try new things, learn to see mistakes and failures as the most valuable lessons.

Embrace the little things observe the small miracles of life because life is full of little things that you take for granted. Look around you and enjoy the scene, all these colors, the light. Nature is full of wonders and generously offers them to everyone. Pay attention and appreciate these beauties. Feel grateful to be where you are, to breathe and to witness the miracles of life. Learn to relax, turn off your brain, let go of control, be present with your whole being in the present moment. This is how you will know happiness.

Don't be afraid! Photo: Shamim Nakhaei / Unsplash

don't be afraid of love even though you are looking for her and longing for her, there are problems when entering into a relationship. You start measuring who gives how much, you are jealous, you play or you want to impose your game by manipulation to avoid pain. You seek validation and security. Learn to love unconditionally, without expectations, without anything that someone else gives you. Love yourself, so you will learn to enjoy love.

Learn to let go of the past let go of guilt, let go of hatred, let go of expectations. Leave them in the past, get rid of this ballast. Breathe with full lungs. Let go of beliefs, thoughts and feelings that make you feel bad, unworthy, disappointed. Let go of the need to please others, just breathe, stay in the present moment and let go of all excess, all past and all expectations of the future. Find peace and gratitude in your heart, it is the same place where your happiness is.

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