
Happiness is a choice: how to be happy?

Photo: envato

Luck will find you when you least expect it. It will find you when you lose hope that it still exists. Is happiness a choice? Indeed, happiness is often a decision you make. This is the ultimate goal of everything we do. Happiness is at the root of everything, everything we want.

Happiness is a choice. And you can choose it immediately. Close your eyes and decide to be happy today.

Say to yourself, today I will be grateful for everything I have and know that I don't need everything I don't have.

The thing is, happiness isn't about the next big thing you achieve. Have you ever noticed this?

You work hard for something, you get it, and then the joy of it disappears like everything else you have. Forget it. And you assume you'll be happy when you have the next thing.

The concept of growth is the purpose of existence. What if the next goal was to be happy now.

Happiness is you. Photo: Andre Furtado / Unsplash

Happy, just because you're alive, just because you're here, and just because there's something in you that the world needs. Because there is someone out there who loves you (or will love you) for who you are, right now.

Happiness, if you think about it, is the biggest puzzle we face. Pursuing this is why we do basically everything we do.

If you are unconditionally happy, it is not selfish - you radiate peace. Follow yourself and not others. Make the best decisions for yourself.

Happiness will find you when you don't care what others think. When you understand that it is not selfish to follow your heart.

Choose happiness. Choose success. The family. You choose a home. What you may not realize is that every aspect of your life is changeable and more importantly, beautiful just the way it is – because you chose it.

Have the courage to choose happiness.

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