
Happy elephant

The trend of Indian cuisine is increasingly present in Slovenia, and it is also being followed in the Styrian capital, where the Indian restaurant Srečni slon can be found a little away from the center of Maribor. The inconspicuous exterior of the restaurant leads us into a pleasant interior furnished with just the right amount of Indian flair. ...

Basic information
Happy elephant
Meljski Dol 4
from Tuesday to Saturday from 12:00 to 22:00, Sunday from 12:00 to 16:00, closed on Mondays
(02) 250 07 05

The trend of Indian cuisine is increasingly present in Slovenia, and it is also being followed in the Styrian capital, where the Indian restaurant Srečni slon can be found a little away from the center of Maribor. The inconspicuous exterior of the restaurant leads us into a pleasant interior furnished with just the right amount of Indian flair. The owner of the restaurant is an Englishwoman, who greets us with a nice accent, a mixture of Slovenian and some English expressions. In the kitchen, two Indian chefs bend over the traditional tandoor oven, who make sure that the flavors of the dishes from the extremely extensive menu are as authentic as possible, but still adapted to the sensitive Slovenian taste. This means that most dishes are not excessively hot, but they can be additionally spiced at our request, just mention when ordering that we have a slightly more "fiery" taste. The offer is incredibly extensive, as we can enjoy seafood, chicken in different ways, and there is also a great emphasis on vegetarian dishes based on legumes and plenty of vegetables. We should not overlook the special offer, the house specialty with shrimp or chicken and a side dish. For quick visits during the week, we treat ourselves to a daily lunch, for businessmen they have a special offer of a business lunch with dessert and coffee or tea, and at the end of the week they offer us a special weekend offer of Indian dishes. All these dishes can also be delivered to our home or workplace. On sweets days, we treat ourselves to a yogurt dessert with saffron and cardamom or some other delicacy, and we certainly cannot imagine an Indian feast without lassi, an Indian yogurt drink.


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