
Happy Volunteer Day

All generations, all colors, all skills. With love. This is the slogan of this year's National Volunteer Week, which will take place between May 18 and 24, 2015, throughout Slovenia. In Ljubljana, on May 21st, on Prešeren Square, as part of the festival, the Happy Day of Volunteering will be held, which is primarily intended for the organizers to present the activities of various volunteer organizations. In addition, the event also offers us a pleasant opportunity to become volunteers ourselves and to have fun, network and socialize.

Important information
Prešeren square, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Free of charge

On May 21, 2015, we will be able to get to know more than 100 volunteer organizations at Prešeren Square in Ljubljana through various activities and pleasant conversations. The attention of visitors and volunteers will be directed to the events at themed islands between the stalls and on the square. It will add even more variety to the event a living library, where each of us can discover the colorful stories written by volunteering all over the world in a very personal way.

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