
Have you ever wondered what a soulmate really is?

Do soul mates even exist?

Photo: Priscilla Du Preez/Unsplash

A soulmate is a person who inspires you to become a better version of yourself and understands you better than anyone else. Motivator Natasha Graziano's book is based on the Law of Attraction and the Meditative Behavioral Synchronicity (MBS) method, which promises to help people attract their soulmate in five simple steps.

What is a soul mate?

A soulmate is someone your heart is with deeply connected: physical, emotional and spiritual. It is also someone with whom you have a strong, deep, real relationship that cannot be broken. Is a person that inspires you, that you are a better version of yourself, the person who understands you better than anyone else, that soul with whom you can share anything and everything.


How do you know if you've met your soul mate?

When you meet this person, you will feel deep desire, to stay with her and never leave her. It is about a strong sense of connection that is much bigger than one's own self.

How to attract a soulmate?

The MBS method is becoming increasingly popular for finding a soulmate. The expert is of the opinion that in you attract everything to life and not what you want and need. Therefore, first of all it is necessary to ask yourself how much you actually resemble the ideal person you want to attract. That is, if not you love yourself, you will not be able to fully love someone else. First of all, you need to be patient with yourself and insist on working on yourself.


How does the MBS method work?

According to Natasha Graziano, it is a world-renowned method that combines ancient breathing techniques with modern neuroscience, with guided meditation accessing deeper, altered states of consciousness – the brain's alpha and theta states.

The MBS method enables access to the deeper parts of yourself, healing past traumas, removing blockages and helping to overcome limiting beliefs to achieve one's own goals. It is the bridge between the life you live now and the life you want to live. It is the fastest way to create lasting positive changes in your life.

According to research, the MBS method has had a positive effect on more than 1.5 million people, and approximately 100 million people have been exposed to MBS meditation to date.

1. A clear vision

From the very beginning, try to understand who you want to attract into your life, what your personality traits are, what you like and what you don't like, what you even want. Most people have no idea what they want, so clarity allows you to be in tune with your thoughts, feelings and actions, making it much easier to attract your soulmate.

2. Remove blockages

We all have limiting beliefs, which prevent us from achieving and attracting what we want. In love, a limiting belief will most likely sound like you are not worthy of love. Removing these blockages within you opens up space for better things to come.

3. Replace old beliefs with new ones

If you will negative beliefs, that you have ingrained in your subconscious, replaced with new, loving, positive beliefs, your life will begin to change dramatically and you will be able to attract your soul mate and everything else you desire.

4. Expand your vision

If you want to expand your vision, you must first understand who those people are who are closest to you. You are a direct reflection of these people, so for this step, be sure to surround yourself with people who will be you filled with love, which you are looking for.

5. Take concrete action

The last step in meeting your soulmate is to try going out out of the comfort zone. Get out there, socialize, and be open to success and change. If you want to see a change in your life, you have to change yourself first. It's good to start with more positive thinking and implement new routines every day, and the results will be based on actions. So take a new action if you want to see a new result.

The expert concludes that perhaps the five steps of this method are not for everyone, as attracting a soul mate with the help of these techniques can vary from person to person. It is important that you are the one who knows who you are and what you want from a relationship, that you are satisfied with yourself, because this is the key to lifelong happiness. The five steps for attracting a soulmate are the same as the five pillars for achieving life goals.

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