
Have you noticed that all movie posters for romantic comedies look the same?

Posters for romantic comedies

Do you think all romantic comedy posters are the same? Maybe that's because they actually are! As you will learn below, there are roughly only five different types of movie posters of this type. It is more than obvious that Hollywood is running out of ideas when it comes to this kind of visual communication. That we are not even at a loss for ideas for the script of romantic comedies. These two things are probably the most predictable things in the world.

Romantic comedies are probably the most clichéd film genre from everyone. Most hold on verified recipe, which always works and brings studios mountains of money without much effort. Many people like them movies with predictable endings and too much deviation from the 'norms' makes them angry rather than happy.

READ MORE: The 27 Club: Movies That Made Over a Billion

Nothing but an original poster.
Nothing but an original poster

You don't change a winning horse, so it's no wonder that filmmakers also s movie posters, intended to promote their romantic comedies, do not invent hot water. Romantic comedies are predictable all the way posters. If you've seen these movie posters, then you've seen all future romantic comedy movie posters. We can collapse these into five types

Gallery - movie posters for romantic comedies:

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