
Heavenly chocolate and cheese fondues

Fondi is a simple and extremely delicious dish that you can surprise your guests with at your home party or enjoy it for two. We present to you both classic chocolate and cheese fondues, as well as some that we have enriched with a pinch of less traditional additives. Such and different cheese and chocolate fondues are just one more proof that love goes through the stomach.

Cheese + beer fondue

The onion, cheese and beer come together in an amazing flavor and the sauce is perfect for dipping pieces of bread, apples, pretzels or whatever you want.

1 chopped onion
4 cloves of chopped garlic
1 tablespoon of butter
1 cup of beer
4 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 tablespoon of flour
2-4 tablespoons of whole milk mixed with sweet cream

Fry the onion and garlic in butter in a small pan until they soften. Add the beer and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to medium or low. Mix the cheese and flour in a bowl and stir everything into the beer until the cheese melts. Add 2 tablespoons of the milk/sweet cream mixture and stir to combine. Pour into a fondue dish and keep warm. To thicken the meat, add the rest of the milk and sweet cream at the end.

Cheese fondue with beer
Cheese fondue with beer

Chocolate + cherries + liqueur fondue

A great dessert with which you will delight guests at a home party and a great idea for a romantic evening for two.

350 grams of dark chocolate
155 grams of sweet cream
2 tablespoons of cherry liqueur (you can also use red wine or cherry juice for a non-alcoholic version)
1-2 tablespoons of water

Add all the ingredients to the fondue and stir with a wooden spoon until the chocolate melts and the ingredients are combined. Then reduce the heat to low and serve with pieces of apples, cherries, strawberries, cookies, etc.

Cherry fondue with liqueur
Cherry fondue with liqueur

Classic cheese fondue

A perfect combination of three cheeses that will satisfy even the most demanding guests.

0.5 kg of Raclette, Comté and Swiss Grojer cheese
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 clove of garlic
1 cup or more dry white wine
a pinch of nutmeg
kosher salt and freshly ground pepper

Mix all three types of cheese and cornstarch in a large bowl. Rub the bottom of a medium-sized pan with garlic and add the white wine. Wait for the wine to warm up (do not boil), add half of the cheese and stir all the time in a figure-eight shape so that the melted cheese does not stick together and form lumps. Once completely melted, add the remaining half of the cheese. When the cheese has melted, add nutmeg, salt and pepper and pour the mixture into the fondue. Add white wine if necessary, otherwise keep warm. Serve with bread cubes, apples or pears.

Classic cheese fondue
Classic cheese fondue

Chocolate + between fondues

A simple and very tasty fondue with a combination of chocolate and honey.

350 grams of semi-sweet chocolate
255 grams of honey
4-5 tablespoons of milk

Melt the chocolate chips over medium heat in a fondue bowl. Stir in the honey and add the milk, then stir until a dipping sauce is formed. Keep the chocolate sauce warm.

Chocolate fondue with honey
Chocolate fondue with honey

Chocolate + peanut butter fondue

Only three ingredients are needed for this delicious chocolate and peanut butter concoction.

170 grams of milk chocolate
100 grams of Nutella
100 grams of peanut mask

Melt all the ingredients in a pan over medium heat, stirring constantly. Pour the sauce into the fondue and keep warm. Serve a variety of fruits for dipping.

Chocolate fondue with peanut butter
Chocolate fondue with peanut butter

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