
Leggings: a cute sustainable collection of clothing for children

Photo: hejlenki.de

In a crowd of interesting brands with wonderful children's clothes, it takes "that something" for a new brand to stand out and conquer the world. This is exactly what happened with the brand Hejlenki. It is a brand for babies and children with a focus on very comfortable, handmade neutral clothes.

This one German brand Hejlenki produces beautiful clothes for the youngest children aged 0 to 5 years. All the clothes are made in the EU and most importantly they have everything necessary certificates of organic production – are certified organic materials to provide children with the best quality and comfort and avoid allergies and skin irritation.

Clothes are in everyone's range neutral colors – in many shades of beige, brown, gray, khaki, soft yellow and off-white. The pieces are simple, usually monochrome, but also come with delicate details and patterns.

I offer t-shirts, sweaters, jackets, shorts and long pants, bodysuits, hats, socks, blankets and several children's toys. All collections are designed and manufactured in Germany and are inspired by the Scandinavian style.

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