
Herbs you can grow in water – no soil, no dirt, just the pure magic of nature!

Let your kitchen become a fragrant garden, without a shovel and muddy hands!

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Photo: envato elements

Have you ever wanted fresh herbs at your fingertips without having to toss bags of soil, curse over loose pots, and deal with stubborn dirt under your nails? Well, good news – nature has invented a shortcut! Some herbs can be easily grown, without any gardening complications. All you need are glass jars, fresh water, and a little sun love.

And not only that – your kitchen counter will look Instagrammable green oasis, and your dishes will get the right ones chef Are you ready for a landless revolution? Let's see which ones herbs They are happy to give up their pots and prefer to swim in the water! So you grow these herbs in water. 

Herbs You Can Grow in Water

1. Parsley – a classic that never disappoints

If there was any herb worthy of an Oscar for “most versatile spice,” it would definitely be parsley. We use it everywhere – in soups, salads, sauces, and even when we want to make a plate look fancy (although we all know that most just push it to the sidelines).

you grow in water
Photo: envato elements

How to grow it? Cut a few healthy stems (at least 10 cm long), remove the lower leaves so they don't rot in the water, and place them in a jar. Find a bright spot for it, but not directly in the sun - no one likes to be constantly scorched in the head. Change the water every few days, and in a few weeks you will have your own supply of fresh parsley. This is an herb that can be grown in water.

2. Mint – a refreshing drink that will save you from the summer heat

Mint is not just for the tea you drink when you have a cold, and not just for garnishing cocktails to make the drink look more “gourmet.” It’s a plant that will make your home smell like a garden of paradise, while always being available for a quick refresher.

Photo: envato elements

The process? Simple! Cut a few sprigs, place them in a glass of water, and you'll soon see little white roots that will develop like a mini underwater world. Mint grows quickly, so give it a haircut now and then. Otherwise, you'll soon have a jungle in your glass!

3. Spring onions – buy them once, keep them forever

Ah, spring onions! Indispensable in salads, great on sandwiches and the best friend of baked potatoes. But did you know that you can easily grow them right on your kitchen counter?

Photo: envato elements

All you have to do is place the bottom of the bulb in a jar with a few inches of water, so that the root part is always submerged. Like magic, the green part will constantly sprout new leaves. Place it somewhere where it gets some sunlight, change the water every few days – and voilà! You’ll never be searching the back corners of your fridge for dried-out spring onions again. This is an herb that you can grow in water.

4. Basilica – the queen of Italian cuisine

Basil is the one herb without which Italian cuisine simply wouldn't be the same. Without it, pizza would be a sad piece of cheese dough, and pasta would be... well, just pasta.

Photo: envato elements

How to grow it? Cut off a few 10cm stems, remove the lower leaves and place them in a glass of water. Give it some light, but not too much – no one likes to be under the spotlight all the time. After a few weeks, it will have roots and you can leave it in water or transplant it into the ground. The key rule? Regular pruning! If you don’t give it a haircut, it will quickly become a “messy hippie” that spreads in all directions.

5. Sage – a remedy your grandmother already had

Sage is that herb that not only smells great, but also cures almost everything – from sore throats to digestive problems. It’s the herb that our grandmothers would definitely recommend for “every ailment.” It’s an herb that you can grow in water.

Photo: envato elements

To grow it in water, cut off a few young twigs and place them in a jar. Sage loves light, so find a spot near a window. Just make sure to change the water every three days—you really don't need mold in your life.

6. Rosemary – a fragrant miracle plant

Rosemary is like that old friend who never complains, doesn't need much attention, but always brings something special to the table. It's fragrant, hardy, and incredibly delicious in baked goods.

Photo: envato elements

To grow in water, cut off a few semi-woody twigs (at least 10cm long), remove the bottom leaves and place them in a glass of water. Rosemary takes a little longer to root – yes, it’s a bit stubborn – but once it starts growing, there’s no stopping it.

Tips for successfully growing herbs in water

  • Use glass jars – plastic is not only unsightly, but it can release harmful substances.
  • Change the water every few days – no herb likes to sit in a pool of bacteria.
  • Place them in a bright place, but not directly in the sun – no one likes having their head burned all day long.
  • To speed up growth, add a drop of liquid fertilizer to the water – even plants need a vitamin boost from time to time.

Who would have thought that you could have your own mini herb garden right on your kitchen shelf? Growing herbs in water is simple, eco-friendly and budget-friendly. Your kitchen will always smell like a gourmet restaurant and your dishes will get that “wow” taste.

So, what are you waiting for? Open your cupboard, grab a jar, fill it with water, and start your herbal experiment. Your taste buds will thank you! These are the herbs you can grow in water.

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