
Here's why pesky mosquitoes bite some people more often

Mosquitoes only attack you?

Photo: Sandra Seitamaa/Unsplash

Mosquitoes are one of the biggest annoyances of summer. While some are their eternal target, others are almost invisible to these bloodsuckers. Why do they attack specific people?

The reason, of course, is not in sweet blood, as this has not been scientifically proven. However, it has been proven that body odor is a key factor in whether or not these bloodsuckers will attack someone.
However, this does not mean that mosquitoes are more likely to attack people who have them unpleasant body odor. Much more important than that is the composition own body odor. Each person has a unique metabolism and body chemistry. Odor, sweat and other chemical combinations of substances are the reason why we attract mosquitoes more or less compared to others.

Who gets bitten by mosquitoes

A study that was carried out on different people showed that in addition genes play other factors also play an important role. The expert says that more frequent mosquito bites in 85 % can be attributed to special genetic predispositions. Pregnant women it is said that mosquitoes bite more often than other women, because then they exhale up to 21 % of carbon dioxide, which attracts mosquitoes to 150 meters.

It is also the reason for frequent pecking as well higher body temperature. It is also the cause of stinging food and drink, which we consume, as our body emits a special body odor. It is supposed to attract mosquitoes aroma of hops. They also have their role in pecking colors, which we wear. Black and red attract mosquitoes, light colours but they repel them.

Photo: Ravi Kant/ Pexels

How to protect yourself from mosquitoes?

There are many ways to protect yourself from annoying mosquito bites and here are some suggestions:

  • attach mosquito nets to the windows
  • wear bright and long clothes
  • make sure the clothes are not too tight
  • shower regularly after exercise
  • light lavender, lemon or rosemary scented candles at home
  • try to avoid places with a lot of moisture
  • use different repellents

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