
High Art 2019: Extraterrestrial artwork inspired by cannabis

The Natural Cannabis company organizes the High Art competition every year, which aims to combine cannabis with creativity. The works of art that earned the title of the best in the High Art 2019 competition are truly amazing!

Natural Cannabis, which years 2005 founded Donna Frank, offers its customers a wide range of medical cannabis products. From year 2014 further organizes an art competition High Art, which gives artists from different parts of the world the opportunity to express their creativity.

Artworks could be submitted via the company's website between February 20 and March 20 this year. The organizers did not impose any restrictions on the number of registered works per competitor. The central theme of the competition was technology in connection with cannabis.

The best-rated works were somehow announced on April 20, which became established as the World Marijuana Day. The winner earned a prize worth 25 thousand dollars. 15 they will belong to him, 10 but he will have to allocate them to a charity of his choice. The runner-up will receive 5000 dollars, third place 2500 dollars, while competitors ranked from 4th to 20th place will have to make do with 500 dollars. The works will also be exhibited in High Art gallery, located in Santa Rosa.

Are you interested in which works of art most convinced the jury at the High Art 2019 competition? You can find the answers in the gallery below.

Gallery: High Art 2019

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