
Hikvision: Forget annoying parking because this thing will take care of it!

Hikvision: Forget annoying parking because this thing will take care of it!

Nowadays, we already have quite a few gadgets available to help us with parking - but not all of them are enough to remove stress or avoid possible injuries while parking. Hikvision has found a solution to these problems as well.

Parking sensors, reversing cameras, a bird's-eye view of the car and moving the car remotely with the help of a smart car key - all this technology is available to us. already available, some of them for many years, but we still can't avoid it stress or injuries when parking. Even more so tense the situation arises when we want to park in city centers, where there are some garages due to lack of space difficult accessible, and parking spacesnarrow.

The mentioned problem is with the company Hikvision solved with easy 'robotic' the solution. Following the example of large warehouses and factories, where for needs logistics have been using for many years robots, they imagined parking lot the house, which is arranged in a similar way. The driver drives his car on a metal platform and leaves the vehicle only when it is properly positioned. Hikvision's 'Parking Robot' which is similar orange palette, he will drive away under metal platform, picked him up and Mrs drove away to an empty parking space. It uses this to drive and turn the entire platform sensors, and thereby additionally reduces the possibility of injuries that quickly occur when the driver is under increased stress and reduced attention. The whole process repeat, when the owner wants the car back. The robot picks it up and delivers it to the starting point.

By using smart technology, we can thus avoid stress and the search for a free parking space. There will also be fewer injuries, saved but we will also be a bunch time, because some things are easy for us it will no longer be necessary to deal with it. This will leave us more time for more pleasant things. Now we just have to keep our fingers crossed that we too will get it soon automated parking garage, for which we will probably have to wait for many, many years.

Gallery: Parking robot Hikvision

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