
Hipster, back off, there's a new sheriff in town – Yuccie

Hipster is dead, long live Yuccie!

Who or what hipsters are is a bottomless topic, so we won't cut corners. Otherwise, it doesn't matter anymore, because there is a new sheriff in town - the yuccis. Who is #yuccie?! It's about young urban creatives (Young Urban Creative), a "divorce" of hipsters who went their separate ways because they find the label hipster wrong and offensive. They have the creativity of hipsters, but they are as successful as yuppies.

The Yuccis they are a new community formed by a piece generation Y, but it arose from disapproval of the term hipster, which is inaccurate and offensive. They are not defined by their possessions alone, because they would eager to pursue their dreams rather quit their eight-to-four job than persist in something that doesn't make them happy or stifles them creatively. They believe that we not only deserve it, but that we should to profit at the expense of it. On the Mashable website, a 26-year-old Brooklyn-based writer who wears a mustache and rides a pixie. Until now he had been called a hipster, but that label bothered him because it was wrong.

One of the reasons that such people wanted their own label is probably also the fact that they hipsters have become dominant trend and niche market, where many industries, from fashion, technology to food, smelled the money. The Yuccis they are now on their own, relieved of commercialization, but they will probably soon be backed by corporations as well.

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The author of the article on Mashable.com stated, among other things "symptoms" of yucci. They are owned by many editions of Freedom by Jonathan Franzen, thousands of Instagram followers, but almost none on Twitter, participation in drawing classes and fandom Seinfield, although it stopped airing when they were still teenagers. The Internet is their playground, unlike hipsters they have no (visible) tattoos and they are excellent entrepreneurs. This does not mean that they have a polished appearance yuppies, also they do not earn on account of shares.

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