
Recipe: homemade lavender oil for all-purpose use

Photo: envato

Have you ever dreamed of a magical lavender elixir for skin care, hair care and relaxation? Who would have thought that we could create such a useful lavender oil from seemingly simple ingredients.

Lavender oil is a veritable treasure trove of benefits for skin care, hair care and relaxation of the mind.

Lavender oil is not only fragrant, but also powerful soothing effect on the skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties help soothe burns, regenerate the skin and reduce stress. It is also a natural repellent against insects such as mosquitoes and can be used in skin care for rashes and insect bites.

It's also great for hair care. In combination with coconut oil, it ensures the health of the scalp, strengthens the hair and reduces hair loss. Apply it as a hair mask, massage it thoroughly into the scalp and let it work so that the nutrients are intertwined with your hair.

Lavender. Photo: Pexels / Pixabay

It also has a wonderful smell calming effect and can help you sleep better. Apply a little oil to your wrist or chest before bed and inhale its soothing aroma.

Recipe for lavender oil


• 30 g of dried lavender
• 280 g of liquid coconut oil


1. Cut enough lavender to obtain 30 g of dried lavender. If you want, you can also buy already dried lavender. If you are drying lavender yourself, hang it upside down in a dry, dark place and let it dry for about two to four weeks.
2. Put the dry lavender in a glass jar and then pour liquid coconut oil over it so that the lavender is completely covered.
3. Close the jar tightly and shake it to mix the ingredients well.
4. Place the jar near a window, but not in direct sunlight. Let it sit for 7 to 10 days, shaking it every day.
5. After the desired time, strain the mixture through a strainer or cheesecloth and pour the oil into a clean glass jar.
6. Store the oil in a cool, dark place to maintain its quality. The oil will keep its quality for up to one year.

Enjoy the beneficial properties of lavender and pamper your body and spirit

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