
Yearly Horoscope 2022 - Big Yearly Horoscope for All Astrological Signs (Year 2022)

Big Year Horoscope 2022 - Year Horoscope 2022!

Photo: envato

Are you interested in the big annual horoscope for 2022? Love horoscope 2022, financial or career horoscope. Then you are in the right place. We are revealing to you the most comprehensive annual horoscope for the year 2022. The big annual horoscope for all astrological signs.

We present to you the most complete horoscope for 2022. In it, you will find a structured love horoscope as well as a career, health and financial horoscope. What the stars predict for your sign in 2022.

Aries horoscope for 2022

Horoscope for 2022 rams predicts that they will enter the new year with great optimism and a desire to realize as many plans as possible. They will be able to do this if they are able to separate the important from the unimportant. Therefore, be careful when making decisions, because they will greatly affect your life.

Planetary influences on Aries in 2022

Aries focuses on the future and new horizons in 2022, as they are encouraged by Jupiter and Saturn in the 11th house of Aries. Jupiter facilitates the path to reconciliation and forgiveness, as well as discovering those who wish you harm while pretending to be your best friend.

When Saturn transits your 11th house, you could go through periods where you only see your own flaws or problems in your life.

Knowledge could be a sensitive subject for Aries in 2022, with the Moon's nodes in Gemini and Sagittarius. The lunar eclipse on May 26, 2022 and the solar eclipse on June 10 and December 4 also activate the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, which means the 3rd and 9th houses of Aries, which are related to learning, thinking, communication, higher education. Be flexible and ready to change direction if such a change proves to be necessary.

Devote time to study. Photo: Brooke Cagle/Unsplash

It is also very important to put everything you know into practice. You don't have to focus on your degree (or lack thereof), just show what you're actually capable of.

In 2022, he recommends caution if you have any legal disputes, as there is a risk that the conflict will escalate, sometime in May and December.

Love (Aries love horoscope 2022)

In the first half of the year, make an effort to achieve important common goals together with your loved one. Your communication should be open, honest. You will enjoy hanging out with mutual friends and you will find enough time for harmonious intimate moments as a couple. The middle of the year brings disagreement and misunderstandings to you due to the Solar Eclipse in Gemini. Doubt and mistrust will creep into your relationship, leading to arguments. You will be working hard in August and September resolve past disagreements. From October until the end of the year, you will have harmony and enjoy joint activities. Your joint plans will come true.

Partnerships will be good for most of the year. Photo: Nathan Dumlao/Unsplash

For singles, February brings meeting a person who is different from most people you know and who stands out for something original. You will be attracted by his freedom and openness in expressing his emotions. Your relationship will begin as a casual affair and you will initially experience this person as a friend Over time, you will realize that there are mutual feelings and that your relationship is more than just friendship. In mid-September, you will enter into a harmonious relationship that can last.

Career (Aries career horoscope 2022)

Venus will enter the sign of Capricorn and your area of work and career in early January, and at the beginning of the year it will bring you the possibility of solid earnings by starting big projects. Mars will enter the sign of Taurus and square Saturn, which will burden you financially as you will have large investments and expenses. Be careful with your money until March.

In mid-January, Jupiter will make a square with Uranus and will bring you unexpected problems in relations with colleagues. In February, Saturn will square Uranus and you will experience late payments. Mars will pass through the sign of Gemini in March and April, and you will encounter problems with organizational work and agreements. By the end of April, you will have a great idea on how to make big money and you will succeed.

Everything will be arranged by the end of the year. Photo: Frank Marino/Unsplash

The solar eclipse in June will cause the cancellation of some agreements and important negotiations will not bear fruit, and you will have to change some plans.

Health (Aries health horoscope 2022)

Try reducing your stress levels through meditation or yoga, which will help a lot not only with your mental health, but also with your physical health.

Money (Aries financial horoscope 2022)

Luck will not favor you in the first quarter of this year. You will not be satisfied with the situation at work and want to change something. However, the financial situation will be much better during this period. Spring brings you improvement. You will have to spend money more rationally, as it is possible that you will have more unexpected expenses. The last three months of 2022 will be particularly successful for you. Money will come from all sides and you will get the promotion you have been waiting for since the beginning of the year. If you are not working anywhere, expect your situation to be resolved at the end of the year.

Taurus horoscope for 2022

The most extensive Taurus Horoscope 2022 it suggests the possibility that they may find the tasks life throws at them rather difficult. But they will realize that they are not!

Planetary influences on Taurus in 2022

In 2022, Saturn will pass through the sign of Aquarius and the area of work and career. As Saturn is strong in its own right, it will open up to you new opportunities to launch large and long-term projects, while your superiors will entrust you with a higher level of responsibility. The very beginning of the year will bring you a lot of dynamism.

In January, Mars will square Saturn and bring you disagreements and conflicts with superiors. If you run a private business, you will be hasty and make mistakes that can cause you losses. Uranus will move directly in your sign and will lead you to realize fruitful ideas. This will be hindered by the square of Jupiter with Uranus, which will lead you to make large and risky investments.

Do not force conflicts! Photo: Ben White/Unsplash

The Sun will enter Aquarius, Mercury will be retrograde, and Venus will also pass through Aquarius in February, which will bring you the start of key tasks for this year and many obligations.

From March to the end of May you will achieved success. In June and July, Mars and Venus from Leo will make a T-square with Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in your sign. You will have too much work and you will not be able to fulfill many things. You will try to use new methods, but this will not bring the expected results.

At the end of November, a partial lunar eclipse will occur in your sign, warning you that it is not the right time to make important decisions and start your own business.

Love (Taurus Love Horoscope 2022)

This year brings you temptations in the emotional field. You will often come into conflict with your partner, and it is possible that either you or your partner will react very violently to this, which may lead to the end of the relationship. You will have to find a way to accommodate each other if you really care about this relationship.

The beginning of the year will bring you tension in the relationship with the partner and you will feel that your partner is too demanding, while on the other hand you will tend to dominate. With occasional periods when you will be able to calm down and agree on important things in the relationship, disagreements and dissatisfaction will continue until the middle of the year.

Take a deep breath and -once again- avoid conflicts. Photo: Allef Vinicius / Unsplash

Arguments over small things can be common. The second half of the year will open up an opportunity for you to improve your relationship and start talking more and listening to what your partner wants to tell you instead of constantly expressing your dissatisfaction. Although you will understand what the problem is, you will not be able to solve it until the end of October.

From November until the end of the year you will restore harmony in your relationship and you will be happy and satisfied.

If you are single, the beginning of the year is not favorable for entering into a new relationship. You will come across people who are selfish and demanding. March is suitable for adventures and a free relationship. Only from the second half of October you will meet a person with whom you will get along well in everything and who will prove to be of sufficient quality for a harmonious long-term emotional relationship.

Horoscope (Taurus health horoscope 2022)

Mars will be in Libra around the first half of 2022. This will make work more stressful, which can have a negative impact on your mental health. Fortunately, you will also be blessed with higher energy levels. Use this energy for relaxing and fun physical activities to get rid of the high stress levels that 2022 brings.

Money (Financial Horoscope Taurus 2022)

At the beginning of the year, the financial situation will not be stable. Money will be scarce and not enough. Such a period will accompany you until April. An unexpected expense awaits you during April, which will further complicate your already difficult situation. Although your financial situation will improve, make sure that you will not spend money on unnecessary things.

You will be financially secure. Photo: Abbat/Unsplash

The end of the year is the ideal time to try your hand at gambling, as a fantastic win awaits you. This money is best invested in real estate because it will pay off the most.

Career (career horoscope 2022)

In the new year 2022, I want to change a lot in business. If you want to change jobs, do it in January or February. Spring is a period when the stars will be particularly favorable to you, so that's when you start implementing your plans.

Gemini horoscope for 2022

Horoscope for 2022 Gemini tells you to forgive people who have ever hurt you, whether it's your parents or friends. Think carefully about your attitudes and you will see that everything can be corrected. All you need is your good will and desire to change!

Planetary influences on Aries in 2022

In 2022, when Jupiter and Saturn cross their 9th house (ideas, beliefs, philosophy of life), Gemini has a lot of energy, changes their perspective on things. For you, 2022 will be an opportunity to expand your intellectual horizons and enrich your knowledge.

Saturn also helps Gemini become more realistic in terms of projects, dreams and long-term expectations. Uranus - the ruler of the 9th house of Gemini - transits the 12th house in the long term (from 2019 to 2026) and forms a tense aspect with Jupiter between January 13 and 22, 2022. Then between February 6 and March 3, 1-26 June and 16-24 December Uranus squares Saturn. These are the best of times, yes let go of some beliefs (especially regarding relationships and money) that no longer work in your favor.

Relax. Photo: emilia-niedzwiedzka / Unsplash

The year 2022 is important for Gemini's personal life, for discovering some personal truths, reconnecting with themselves and with their physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual needs. Jupiter briefly transits (May 14-July 28) the 10th house of Gemini (career, goals, social-professional reputation) and then returns to the 9th house.

Love (Gemini love horoscope 2022)

This year, your relationships will be deeper than usual. If you are not in a relationship, this could mean that you will find romantic love in a close friend.

This is a great year for women to become members of this sign pregnant.

The beginning of the year brings you doubts and unexpected disagreements. Your partner will reveal something that you have been hiding from him. In February, you will show and take care of more feelings and it will be a pleasant refreshment.

The lunar eclipse in Sagittarius in May will lead you to an emotional retreat. The middle of the year will bring you candids quarrels and disagreements due to different needs and desires. You will not agree on joint plans. From September, thanks to the trine of Venus with Jupiter, you will establish the desired harmony in your relationship. The solar eclipse in December will bring serious problems, again due to hiding true feelings and insincerity.

Love awaits you. Photo: Jonathan Borba / Unsplash

They will be single at the beginning of the year fell in love. They will soon realize that emotionally they are not for each other at all. The best period for entering into a new relationship will be from mid-May to the end of July, when you will meet a person who has similar life goals as you and who will awaken optimism and creativity in you. There are great opportunities to meet a potential partner through business activities.

Career (gemini career horoscope 2022)

Jupiter, which rules your work and career sector, will square Uranus in mid-January. Ideas, approaches and other methods that you have tried to incorporate into your way of working, you they will not bring the expected results. You will encounter various intrusions and interference from people that you will not be able to track down, which will greatly slow you down in achieving your planned goals.

In February, Venus will make a conjunction with Jupiter, which will allow you to start cooperation with foreign countries, as well as a new project that will bring you significant income in the future. In March, the Sun and Venus will be conjunct Neptune, and Mercury will pass through your work area. This will bring you favorable opportunities to start new business projects, but you will have to pay special attention to organization and agreements

In the months of May and June, you will be able to make progress in most current work tasks.
Jupiter will temporarily reside in the sign of Pisces from May 12 to the end of July. With your dedication you will set stable foundations for career advancement, however, you will wait until the end of the year to be promoted.

The trine of Venus with Jupiter will bring you great success and earnings in September. In October and November, you will improve at work. The December solar eclipse in Sagittarius will cause problems in relations with business partners.

April will bring you a financial injection. Photo: BrunoEmmanuelle / Unsplash

Your attitude towards your colleagues will also change a lot. You will respect them more, which will have a positive and encouraging effect on them. Make sure that in 2022 you have more desire to show all your abilities, as this will be very important for the furtherance of your career. You can expect the biggest in April and May cash flow in this year. Invest in yourself and your future.

Money (financial horoscope Gemini 2022)

Your financial situation will be quite variable during the year. You will have different ups and downs throughout the year. The first three months of the year will be quite difficult for you, as there will be a chronic lack of money. But already in April, the situation changes. Your financial situation in April will be more than good. All this will be spiced up by changing jobs, because the work you will be doing will bring you much more money than your old job. From April until the end of the year you will have no problems with money.

Cancer horoscope for 2022

Horoscope 2022 portends changes to cancer. People born under the sign of Cancer often feel anxious when it comes to change, but as soon as they adapt to it, everything is fine. It is best to always be aware that not all changes are negative. Cancers have great things in store for their relationships, but only if they are open to new possibilities.

Planetary influences on Cancer in 2022

In 2022, Cancers must prepare for serious changesin your life, including your lifestyle and daily rhythm. Jupiter - the ruler of Cancer's house of work and health - transits your 8th house (intimacy, fears, debt, finance), along with Saturn, which means it's time to take a hard look at your eating habits, work schedule and personal schedule, so allow yourself time for soul searching and give up some habits that are not good for you or can cause Health issues.

During the period when Jupiter is in retrograde motion in your 9th house (June 20 - July 28), you should seek a second medical opinion. In any case, their ability to recover is good.

The first somewhat disturbing events, take place in January 2022 when Jupiter and Uranus form a tense planetary aspect. Then Saturn squares Uranus between February 6 and March 3, June 1-26 and December 16-24.

Regardless of all the problems, he will not leave you. Photo: Pablo Heimplatz / Unspalsh

This astrological context suggests that there could be problems with partnerships, or business partners, or complications with income, forcing you to change your plans for the future. If you want to change your future so that you can achieve your dreams, you must adopt different strategies of those you have.

The solar eclipse of June 2022 may make you more tired, but with the clear awareness that you need to rediscover yourself to a great extent and change your beliefs or your spiritual direction. As a result, you must take time to meditate and heal.

Love (love horoscope Cancer 2022)

The beginning of the year will be difficult for you because you will have the impression that your partner is pressuring you too much and suffocating you, so you will want more freedom due to the square of Saturn with Uranus. You will even think about leaving your partner.

In June, July and December, you will feel these pressures again and be prone to sudden reactions. Fortunately, it will be clear to you that the main cause is not your partner, but external circumstances. You will mostly have harmony in your relationship in March and September, when your partner will provide you with unconditional support!

Your partner will stand by you! Photo: Ben White/Unsplash

For singles, the beginning of 2022 brings problems in the field of love. It seemed like you would the person you want doesn't exist. Summer brings you stormy, tense and fleeting adventures that would be best avoided if possible. Only from the second half of September do you enter the period when you will meet someone who can be a suitable partner.

Career (career horoscope cancer 2022)

An extremely successful business year awaits you. Eventually you will rewarded for effort, that you invested in the business. If you've been waiting for the right moment to start a business, this is a good year to do so. If you dreamed of being in a leadership position, your dream could come true in December. Saturn will bring you in 2022 success in all that you undertake. In the middle of the year, you can expect a greater influx of money, which will perfectly complement your domestic budget.

Avoid large and risky investments. February brings you an improvement in relations with business partners. You will have a good sense of how to provide support where you need it. In the month of March, you will establish a stable business and stable income. Beware of suspicious people and offers of cooperation from people who do not inspire you in April.

Be patient. Everything will be ok. Photo: Max Vvo/Unsplash

In the month of May, you will benefit from introducing new methods into your way of working and you will have a good sense of cooperation. Mars will pass through your sign and strengthen your leadership skills, but it will also bring you a lot of burdens and responsibilities.

In June, you will due to a conflict of interest terminated the partnership. July will be a difficult month for you financially. The solar eclipse in December will bring you problems, this time is not the time for big projects.

Money (Financial Horoscope Cancer 2022)

At the beginning of the year, the financial situation will not be stable. The first three months of the year will be quite difficult, as you will have unplanned expenses that will complicate your financial situation. From April, however, the situation changes, as you will get monetary profits, which will be solve all your financial problems.

Leo horoscope for 2022

Horoscope for 2022 brings love to lions. If you have long since stopped believing that you will find a person with whom you can spend the rest of your life, September brings you a new opportunity for love. As incredible as it sounds, this year your work will not come first, but you will be much more involved with emotions.

Planetary influences on Leo in 2022

Connections with others are very important for Leos in 2022. The North Node passes through Leo's 11th house (friends, social-professional circles), indicating that it is time to make an effort to continue or restart as many of these projects as possible from those that you have postponed or released due to the crisis .

The 5-11 house axis (the house of love and the house of friendship) was activated by the lunar eclipse on May 26, 2022 and the solar eclipse on June 10 and December 4, proving that these themes are particularly important for the evolution of Leos. Relationships with children (if you have them) they can be complicated or require more attention, especially if they are going through their first love stories or decide to get married.

During the eclipse period - and even more so in May 2022 - she advises Leo women who are pregnant to be more careful than usual.

A transit of the South Node through Leo's 5th house (the house ruled by Jupiter) could encourage a tendency to selfishness and vanity. Due to the transit of planets from your 7th house, you could feel more competition at work in 2022.

At work, not everything will be as you would like. Photo: Magnet Me / Unsplash

Between May 14 and July 28, 2022, and then after December 29, Jupiter transits through Leo's 8th house, drawing attention to themes related to intimacy, mutual trust, transformation, deep fears, as well as debt. Any of these topics may raise various questions related to morality, legality, or the ideas and principles you rely on.

It's time to adjust your plans and long-term goals, unleash your creativity, and build strong teams to embark on a new journey with a new vision.

Love (love horoscope Leo 2022)

It may be in sight in 2022 marriage sometime between April and September. In conflicts, look at things from your partner's point of view to fully understand the situation. If you are in a long-term relationship, there is a possibility of pregnancy.

The beginning of the year will begin with disagreements about common goals, which will come unexpectedly and bring serious turmoil to your relationship with a loved one. From March you will be able to agree and make a compromise. You will bring to your relationship more passion and also changes that will motivate you to enjoy each other more.

You may increase your family. Photo: Jonathan Borba / Unsplash

The second half of the year will bring you worries and discord over the T-square of Mars and Venus with Saturn and Uranus. You and your partner will be stubborn and each will demand their own, which will make it difficult to find a mutually acceptable solution. In September and October, you will overcome disagreements. A relaxed period and mutual harmony awaits you until the end of the year.

It will bring the beginning of the year to singles dissatisfaction and disappointments. People who will attract you with their appearance will be difficult in character and prone to dominance and deception, which you will not tolerate, so you will not enter into relationships with such people. In the summer, short adventures are possible that will not bring you the expected pleasure. From the autumn period, the field of love will be favorable to you. Getting to know a person who can be at the same time your friend and lover, will turn into a harmonious relationship.

Career (career horoscope career 2022)

Since Mars is in exile in Taurus, it will bring you great challenges and you will have to work hard to start important projects. Your superiors will put pressure on you, which will have a negative effect on you, so you may get into conflicts with them.

Mars will square Saturn and Jupiter and bring you disagreements with business partners and dissatisfied customers, which will negatively affect your earnings.

The conjunction of Mars with Uranus in your work area will bring you new position or job change, which you did not expect and to which you will not be able to adapt easily.

In March and April, you will get an opportunity for career advancement. In the months of May and June, you will have to solve and improve many things in the field of cooperative relations. July will be difficult for you due to the T-squares of Mars and Venus with Saturn and Uranus.

Be positive! Photo: Mateus Campos Felipe / Unsplash

You will have major problems with your superiors and business partners and you will find yourself in a conflict of interest, which may lead to the termination of some important business relationships and losses.

The solar eclipse in Sagittarius in December warns that do not engage in risky business, because you can have losses.

Health (Leo 2022 health horoscope)

Your health may face problems at the beginning of the year when the Sun will be in conjunction with Saturn and Jupiter. During this time, try to reduce stress as this will reduce any adverse health effects. Therefore, people with diabetes should be especially careful this year. When/if you start feeling sick this year, avoid your parents and elders because you can be contagious; this is especially true if your illness is caused by an airborne pathogen.

Money (financial horoscope Leo 2022)

In 2022, you will live at the expense of old glory. In May, September and October you will have excellent aspects to realize all your plans. This is also an excellent business year, but you must be careful with business partners, as they will react very poorly to your need to constantly dominate and make all decisions yourself, without consulting them. You have excellent earning aspects in October and November.

Virgo horoscope for 2022

Virgo, let's see what the 2022 horoscope has in store for you!

Planetary influences on Virgos in 2022

6th house Virgo (work, health, pets) is in transit in 2022. Jupiter and Saturn, which create tense aspects with Uranus in your 9th house (ideas, beliefs, life philosophy). As a result, 2022 also seems to be a dynamic year for Virgos, in which they have every opportunity to learn new things and change their ideas about things that they thought were true or unquestionable.

In many ways, it is 2022 time to learn – maybe even time to learn how to live differently, how to organize your daily life according to other healthier and more efficient criteria. Considering the fact that Uranus involved in several important planetary aspects in 2022, there could be surprising events, complications and various incidents that could push you out of your comfort zone to new perspectives and ideas.

Jupiter briefly transits the 7th house of Virgo (relationships, partnerships, marriage, competition) and paves the way for unforeseen emotional circumstances. On the other hand, since Jupiter is the ruler of the fourth house of Virgo, its transit through the 7th house could indicate a change in living quarters (yours or your parents') or perhaps a desire to rearrange, taking into account esoteric, intuitive ideas using Feng Shui (7th house Virgo is Pisces).

You are thinking of remodeling your home. Photo: Daniil Silantev / Unsplash

During the period around these eclipses milestones may occur that lead to the reorganization of family life, relocation or change of responsibilities between partners. It is also possible that some things would come to light that need to be corrected or balanced, or feelings that have been bothering you for some time and undermining your inner balance.

Love (love horoscope virgo 2022)

Neptune, which is in the oppositional sign of Pisces this year, will greatly influence your relationships. Your partner will trust you more than usual this year. Believe what he has to say, but don't let him take advantage of you. If you feel like you, take off the rose-colored glasses and see what it's really like. Only when you do that can you decide whether or not it should stay in your life.

The first half of the new year will bring you the opportunity to improve your emotional relationship and give your loved one much more than you have done so far, thanks to the conjunction of Venus with Jupiter in February. Venus will pass through your love field in March and you will be full of warmth.

Jupiter in Pisces will bring a lot of joy and fun from May to the end of July. The period from the end of June to the middle of August will be stressful, as you will begin to question your partner's motives. Some secrets will come out and lead to disagreements.

Doubts will settle in you. Photo: Chermiti Mohamed / Unsplash

Venus will be in conjunction with Jupiter in February and you will meet a person (if you are single) who will largely correspond to your image of a life partner. Mutual attraction will lead to a quick entry into an emotional relationship, after which there will be instability in the relationship and disagreements in the middle of the year. Fortunately, this will only be a period of mutual adjustment. By the end of the year, you will know that your relationship is developing into a serious relationship, as you will make joint long-term plans.

Career (career horoscope virgo 2022)

You will have many problems at work, but you will solve them gradually. The positive energy that you will have in abundance this year will help you the most. You may want to change jobs at the beginning of the year, and since the stars are working for you during this period, do not forget to take advantage of this opportunity. You will have the most business dilemmas in February. Be careful in your decision because this decision will affect your future.

Because bad influence of Saturn your creativity will be blocked and you won't be able to work the way you used to. Many aspects for this year say that you will be lucky if you decide to invest in your own business. The best time for this is autumn, because then everything you invest is returned to you many times over.

In July, you will have problems due to the T-square of Mars and Venus with Saturn and Uranus, you will break a business partnership due to a divergence of interests. In August and September, you will be able to solve most of the problems and launch projects that will benefit you opened up new possibilities.

Everything is getting better. Photo: Daniil Silantev / Unsplash

In October, you will improve your financial situation, but in November, be careful and frugal. The solar eclipse, which will be in the sign of Sagittarius in December, will prevent you from meeting important deadlines on time, which will reduce the earnings you expect. Avoid risky jobs.

Money (Financial Horoscope Virgo 2022)

The coming year will be marked by success and monetary gains, so you will not have almost throughout the year no financial problems. In February, you will have some minor financial losses, i.e. expenses that will not disappear, but you will have a deeper clue about your budget. You will be convinced of your luck in April, because then you will receive a big cash prize that will solve all your financial problems. From April until the end of the year, you will have more money than you need.

Health (virgo health horoscope 2022)

Mars in Capricorn and Aquarius will help you improve your mental and physical health throughout the year. The influence of the earth sign Capricorn will encourage you to spend more time outdoors. Aquarius as an air sign will encourage you to improve your intelligence by learning new skills and trying new things. This, in turn, can improve your mental health.

Libra horoscope for 2022

The most comprehensive libra horoscope 2022 predicts that this will be a great year for renewing old friendships and learning from past mistakes.

Planetary influences on Libra in 2022

It looks especially creative for Libra 2022. Throughout the year, they can rely on the support of Jupiter and Saturn, which pass through their 5th house (creation, creativity, love). Therefore, we recommend that in 2022 you remember the things that always made you happy or that helped you to relax and make time for them.

Saturn's influence, although it may seem restrictive at times, can be particularly beneficial in helping you to realize certain plans and projects. You will very likely find that your talent alone is not enough and that you need to work hard to stand out.

You are thinking about a new home. Photo: Jonathan Borba / Unsplash

In 2022, Uranus passes through the 8th house of Libra and creates tense aspects with Jupiter (between January 13 and 22) and Saturn (between February 6 and March 3, June 1 and 26 and June 1 and 24). January). It is very likely that you will feel a lot of pressure or face a difficult period in terms of income or heartache.

You can also consider moving, but on the other hand, it may be better to get more involved in the life of the community you are in. On June 10, 2022, there is a solar eclipse in 9th house Libra (travel, higher education), which may inspire you to expand your horizons. Enroll in college or find a deeper meaning in life.

Love (love horoscope Libra 2022)

In January, Venus will be in Capricorn, which will make you feel more intense feelings for your partner, but you will lack passion. It depends on which sign you are in a relationship with.

The first half of the year brings you in a relationship with a loved one more tension than harmony. Problems that you didn't solve on the spot accumulated and made your relationship unstable and strained. A quieter period awaits you from March to mid-June. At the end of June and July, your partner will have many objections to your behavior. He will especially resent you for spending more time with your friends, thereby neglecting him and your family. You will argue a lot. From August to the end of October, you will get along well, but in November you will not find a common language when it comes to investing money.

It will bring the start of the year to singles disappointments, as they will find out that the person they are in love with has someone else. Meanwhile, you will have a few such persons around you who will want to have an adventure with you, but you will not find any of them attractive.

Love comes - slowly. Photo: Jonathan Borba / Unsplash

Summer adventures will attract you, but they will not bring you the expected pleasure. Only in October will you meet someone with whom you will find common interests.

Career (career horoscope Libra 2022)

In March and April, you will have a good sense of partnerships and cooperation. He will improve cash flow and increased earnings. In June and July, problems in the money field await you. Avoid risky moves. In August and the first half of September, your ruler Venus will pass through your sign, creating mostly harmonious aspects that will strengthen your leadership skills. You will improve business relationships and you will achieve great success in everything where you need to show creativity and look for ideas.

October will bring you recognition and opportunity for career advancement. Financial problems await you in November this year as well. A solar eclipse in Sagittarius in December will prevent you from succeeding in negotiating new projects. You won't be able to meet some deadlines.

Health (health horoscope Libra 2022)

Mars will have several transits through Aquarius in 2022, so you're likely to feel more ambitious when it comes to health. But it is also likely that you will try to improve your health, not for the sake of your own well-being, but more for the sake of your appearance. Don't force yourself into it. Avoid fad diets.

Money (financial horoscope Libra 2022)

The first three months of the year will be quite difficult and with a lack of money. The situation will change already at the beginning of April, when you will receive financial resources. In the coming months you will not have problems with money, but unexpected expenses and losses await you in mid-August.

Scorpio horoscope for 2022

The year 2022 will be a year of abundance for you. Much of what you will receive in the form of financial rewards comes from past efforts.

Is 2022 your lucky year?

Yes. 2022 will be a lucky year for Scorpios. You will be lucky in all aspects and can achieve wonderful things.

Planetary influences on Scorpio in 2022

Planet Pluto since 2019, he has been in Scorpio's house of intellect and communication, where he will remain until 2024.

Use the advantages of this position, such as the power of persuasion, mental strength, analytical skills, talent for research, interest in psychology and various deep, subtle or even mysterious topics. Above all, the ability to protect yourself from its unpleasant influence, which are excessive criticism, negative thoughts, anxiety or phobias, nervous tension, a tendency to manipulate other people.

You can finally reap the fruits of your labor!

2022 is your year, Scorpios! Photo: Andrey Zvyagintsev / Unsplash

If you have been persistent and started a new project or made decisions that have not yet shown any results, now is your moment for success.

Jupiter (turns retrograde July 28, 2022 to Thursday, November 24, 2022) moves into the realm of work-earned financial assets, self-esteem, and things that make you feel secure, so you'll have the chance to stimulate those areas.

Your skills and talents will increase. You will be more efficient, you will be rewarded for your work, new possibilities will open up for you. Don't rush to enjoy the fruits of your labor or invest in risky ventures.

Don't spend more than usual, because this is the year for productivity!

Neptune, another planet with slow development, transits through Scorpio's house of love and eroticism. This is a sensitive position because Neptune, although very romantic, has a deceptive influence, promising a lot but delivering almost nothing.

Venus retrograde (from December 19, 2019 to January 29, 2022) brings a desire to separate from everything, so you want to be frank, since you have been unhappy in recent months. If you have established new relationships, you can discover some secrets about your partner.

Scorpio is one of the two signs it influences retrograde Mars (from October 30, 2022 to January 13, 2023). You will show determination in your projects. However, you will feel overwhelmed and exhausted because you will not be able to complete all your tasks.

Happiness will surround you throughout 2022! Photo: Andrey Zvyagintsev / Unsplash

Surprisingly, in 2022, scorpions are almost immune to Mercury's capricious movements (retrograde from May 10 to June 3, 2022). By nature, Scorpios are not the most communicative people and express their feelings only in front of very close people. Therefore, they will not face communication problems.

There may be minor tensions at work with more sensitive colleagues, but this will not prevent the development of projects you have already started. However, it would be wise to show diplomacy and patience. In addition, Scorpios should stop being sarcastic and ironic during these three weeks.

Love (love horoscope scorpio 2022)

Spring and the end of 2022 will be full of joy, especially for single Scorpios. Even though it's cold outside, someone will come into your life to warm your life. If you've had a crush on someone for a while, now is the time to take action. Throughout the year, you have gained a lot of strength and perseverance, and if you use them now, you will be able to achieve the love relationship that you have always dreamed of.

Will scorpio get married in 2022?

Single Scorpios can meet someone with whom they can form a solid, long-term relationship, while Scorpios who are already in stable relationships can expect marriage proposals. The year 2022 makes it easier for Scorpios to consolidate and harmonize their marriage.

Career (career horoscope scorpio 2022)

Your career has taken off over the past year and 2022 will be the same until mid-year when everything seems to be falling into place. This can lead to promotion, success, rewards, increased productivity.

The results of hard work and focus, acceptance of personal and professional responsibility will be visible in 2022.

Come out of the shadows, dear Scorpio, enjoy 2022. Photo: Andrey Zvyagintsev / Unsplash

You may be focusing too intensely on work, so be careful not to burn out or, yes, be too aggressive.

Money (Financial Horoscope Scorpio 2022)

2022 brings energy to attract money, starting in early spring. Throughout the year you will see constant abundance and by the end of 2022 you will be able to see the highest point of earned and total income. This is the time to save financial resources for the future.

Radiance, personal power, vision, clarity are all keywords for your financial year 2022. At the end of the year, you will attract what you have longed for to provide you with security and contentment.

Health (Scorpio health horoscope 2022)

Your health will be quite good this year. Take good care of yourself. Keep it up.

Sagittarius horoscope for 2022

Dear shooters, v the year 2022 great business success awaits you. You will finally be able to realize at least a part of your visionary dream!

Planetary influences on Sagittarius in 2022

In May 2022, some Sagittarius will be so dissatisfied with themselves that they will feel the need for a radical transformation. Some old fears may surface, or you may discover something about yourself that will help you define a new style, goals, and maybe even a field you want to study or work in.

Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, contributes significantly to the changes that take place in 2022, when together with Saturn it passes through your 3rd house (communication, learning, exchanges, transactions, communications). As a result, it highlights that you are going through a phase of life where you are more willing to learn new things.

In 2022, you may encounter special opportunities for learning, but more for learning new practical skills. For example, if you're a student and you're taking classes to gain a qualification, chances are you'll get some hands-on experience with people who have experience in the field. You can discover many things about yourself, your self-worth and your abilities.

Take care of your health! Photo: Christopher Campbell/Unsplash

It is also important that in 2022 Jupiter and Saturn they make tense aspects with Uranus - ruler of the 3rd house of Sagittarius. Uranus transits your 6th house and the squares it forms with Jupiter (January 13-22) and Saturn (February 6-March 3, December 1-26 and December 16-24) show to the tendency to stress, mental fatigue, anxiety. Be careful not to rush into some miracle diet or change your diet overnight.

Jupiter's transit through your 4th house activates fears related to inner balance and relationships with loved ones. Some shooters will start a family, buy a home.

Love (Sagittarius love horoscope 2022)

In February, June and October, you will encounter misunderstandings in communication and agreements with your partner. Unspoken words, unfulfilled joint plans will require patience and goodwill from you, otherwise the relationship will not survive. May, August and December will be the months when you will be able to achieve the most harmony in your emotional relationship and when you will be able to achieve important common goals. You will enjoy traveling together.

The period from January to mid-April is not favorable for new emotional relationships. You will be attracted to a person who is full of ideas, but you will not be able to connect emotionally. May brings you a short but beautiful adventure. In June, your ex-partner will want to meet with you, but it would be best if you did not agree to this. August is the best month of the year for you to enter into a new relationship. A person will enter your life who will sincerely love and make you happy.

Happiness in love awaits you! Photo: Andriyko Podilnyk / Unsplash

Slightly older shooters will meet their future partner through a mutual friend in September.

Career (career horoscope Sagittarius 2022)

Mars will make a square with Saturn, which will make it difficult for you to negotiate new large and long-term projects. During February, you will be able to start new negotiations and you will have more success in concluding agreements and contracts.

Mercury, which rules your work area, will pass through the sign of Pisces in March, where it is in exile, which will make it difficult for you to complete priority work tasks on time. April and May will be favorable for you to solve problems and you will finally be able to achieve progress and planned goals.

Lunar eclipse at the end of May in your sign will bring you delays in the field of payment transactions, and the solar eclipse in Gemini in June will cause the termination of one important partnership to your detriment.

In June and July, Mars, Venus, Saturn and Uranus will enter the T square, bringing you new problems. The support you expected from institutions and experts will not be as great as you expected. They will be from August improvements followed and by mid-November you will be able to make progress in all important areas, which will improve your finances and may also bring you career advancement.

Enjoy life! Photo: Bruno Adam / Unsplash

In December, a solar eclipse in your sign can cause you to fall from your position. Avoid risks. Unemployed shooters will be able to get a job in April, May, August, September and October.

Money (financial horoscope Sagittarius 2022)

The coming year will not cause you headaches in terms of finances. You will have a lot of expenses in January, so in February and March you will have some problems with that. In April, May and June, they will not have problems with money, but there will not be too much of it either.

Expect higher cash inflows in November and December. It is possible that you will get some inheritance or many people will finally pay you back. This is also an ideal period to change jobs.

Health (health horoscope Sagittarius 2022)

Make sure you take good care of your health during Mercury Retrograde in 2022. Take advantage of 2022 and try to adopt new healthy habits. This may include going back to the gym, quitting smoking or drinking alcohol in moderation.

Capricorn horoscope for 2022

It won't be bad, dear Capricorns. In the year 2022 you will have the feeling that opportunities are offered to you from all sides. Use your intuition to make the right decision whether to take a risk or not.

Planetary influences on Capricorn in 2022

Capricorns have been going through a process of deep transformation for many years, guided by the presence of Pluto in the sign of Capricorn.

In 2022, some will feel relief when Jupiter and Saturn move from Capricorn to Aquarius (work, money, values).

Transits of Jupiter and Saturn through the 2nd house of Capricorn they also point to the fact that they still need to work on their self-confidence. In 2022, you have the opportunity to overcome some limiting beliefs, as events will force you to step out of your comfort zone and behave differently than you are used to. You will discover new things about yourself and your abilities.

Some Capricorns can be selfish or stingy, while Jupiter's energy drives them to be generous, exploring, and showing charity. It is not easy to find a balance between the two polar opposites, but this could be one of the lessons they will have to learn in 2022.

Between May 14 and July 28, 2022, Jupiter takes a short trip through the 3rd house of Capricorn (communication, learning) and returns here on December 29th for a few months. The presence of Jupiter in your 3rd house encourages communication with someone near and dear to your heart, making it easier to release some inner burdens.

Take care of yourself! Photo: Alex Green / Pexels

Solar eclipse on June 10, 2022, The 6th house of Capricorn (health, work) indicates that your health may be fragile or affected by internal turmoil, problems and worries recently, perhaps even in recent years. If you want to regain physical and mental tone, you need to change the way you look at things. You also have to pay attention to work/rest time, take care of yourself, give yourself more time to relax and eat as healthy as possible.

Love (Capricorn Love Horoscope 2022)

The beginning of the new year brings you disagreements regarding the investment of joint money. You will be stubborn and unwilling to give in. You will have similar disagreements in June, July, November and December, in addition to financial issues, you and your partner will disagree about joint activities (travel, entertainment, free time).

The spring period will be more favorable for harmonious intimate moments, weekend trips, for achieving common goals. In August, September and October, you will bring something new to your relationship, which will strengthen your intimacy with your partner.

The beginning of the new year brings you a meeting with a person who will please you at first sight and who will arouse passions in you, but your relationship will be relatively short. Another adventure awaits you in the middle of the year, full of passion, but also jealousy and frequent disagreements.

From October to the end of the year, a more relaxed period awaits you and you will meet a person who will bring emotional warmth into your life and inspire you. You will start a harmonious relationship that will be serious and long-lasting.

You will meet your love. Photo: Jonathan Borba / Unsplash

Slightly older Sagittarius know what they want in love. You will meet your better half in mid-August. It will be love at first sight and you will be living together by the end of the year.

Career (Capricorn Career Horoscope 2022)

Avoid risky investments, because in moments of enthusiasm, you can easily cause serious losses. It is not recommended to start a business that requires large investments.

In February, Venus, which rules your work area, will form a conjunction with Jupiter, giving you the opportunity to invest in areas that will bring you secure earnings and profit.

In March and April, you will have a favorable period for starting new projects. Jupiter will enter the sign of Pisces in mid-May and stay there temporarily, which will bring you success in negotiating new deals.

A solar eclipse in Gemini in mid-June brings you problems and there will be a stagnation in the circulation of money. Avoid borrowing. From August to mid-November, you will start profitable business partnerships and achieve success. In December, Venus will begin retrograde in your sign and you will start a private business that you have been putting off for a long time.

You will be financially secure. Photo: Mantas Hesthaven / Unsplash

Unemployed Capricorns will get a job opportunity. Favorable months for employment are March, May, August and October.

Money (financial horoscope Capricorn 2022)

The coming year will be financially stable and you will be able to be completely satisfied. January will be more difficult financially, as some unexpected expenses and financial losses await you in January. Even in February, the situation will not visibly improve, but you will not have any losses. The luck of the stars will accompany you, so in March you will receive a big cash prize that will solve all your worries and financial problems. A greater influx of money awaits you in November.

Health (Capricorn Health Horoscope 2022)

Try to focus on your mental health in 2022. There will be times when you feel confused and stressed. When this happens, try to get away from other people for a short time to calm down and relax. It is important to remember that your mental health is just as important as your physical health.

Horoscope Aquarius for 2022

Most extensive horoscope for aquarius 2022 reveals that 2022 will give average good results in all areas. You will face many challenges again and again, but with your hard work and diligence, you will easily overcome them.

In 2022, your luck will shine brighter than last year.

Planetary influences on Aquarius in 2022

The months of January and February will be a favorable time for developing good relationships with people, especially with new people. We advise you to be careful with these relationships. Aquarius love life will improve in February compared to previous months.

In the months of March and April, you should pay attention to your health. Adequate nutrition and exercise are essential to avoid problems that may arise during this month.

Don't stress too much in June and July. Choose to play sports or go out into nature, as this will relieve your mental stress and relax you. Communication and honesty are key elements in your relationships that allow you to move forward.


The months of September and October are months when tact and diplomacy will do wonders for your career. This year, the relationship with the customer is the key to your survival. Over the years, you will receive promotions, raises and recognition.

You will enjoy success until the end of the year. Unwanted costs may occur and it is also recommended to avoid foods rich in fat as they may harm your digestive system during this period.

Aquarius is known for its freedom in love, as it wants to do everything in its own way and in its own style. You need to save more money and be more stable in your finances.

Love (love horoscope Aquarius 2022)

When it comes to private life, Aquarians in 2022 must realize that the situation is in their hands. If you are in a relationship or marriage, try to avoid cooling the relationship. Dedicate yourself to each other, enjoy joint activities. Do your best not to lose those points of contact that make you still in love.

Some relationships are not worth fighting for and Aquarians will decide to break up, divorce. The stars advise singles to show a little more tolerance towards people in 2022.


There's nothing wrong with having a high self-esteem, but there's a danger that you'll miss out on something important by being too picky. Some opportunities come once in a lifetime.

There is a possibility that you will enter the network of an insidious person who will manipulate you for selfish purposes.

Career (career horoscope Aquarius 2022)

A changeable and tumultuous period awaits you in your career. After a few victories, there is a fall, and then another rise awaits you. It's up to you to decide how quickly these events happen. If you don't react to the situation in any way, one climb will be followed by a longer break. You will not be able to achieve the goals you are striving for.

Money (financial horoscope Aquarius 2022)

Time is money, remember that. By losing valuable development days, you are voluntarily giving up positions to competitors. If you do not have the energy for active business, hire an expert who will not allow your company's profitability to fall. Keeping up to date with current events is the main thing in order not to lose your regular income.


In 2022, Aquarius is advised to refrain from unreasonable spending. After June 30, you will get a lot of interesting offers, profitable deals, useful connections, which can overnight change your existing way of life and thereby cause some confusion. If you give in to doubt, you may miss your chance.

Health (health horoscope Aquarius 2022)

As for health, everything will be fine. This is a great time for sports and giving up bad habits. Analyze situations in your life more often.

Pisces horoscope for 2022

Pisces Horoscope for 2022 it will be very favorable to fish. Do not rush into decisions, but think carefully about whether you actually want to change yourself or everyone around you. You won't have problems with money, so you can finally relax.

Planetary influences on fish in 2022

It becomes clear to many Pisces in 2022 that, more than ever before, they need to come together, adjust to their own values and some older goals or dreams that they may have lost along the way or abandoned for whatever reason.

Jupiter and Saturn transit your 12th house (unconditional love) and help you restore your inner balance and redefine the direction you take in life according to your deepest spiritual beliefs. Saturn's transit through your 12th house is all the more important because Pisces often gets lost in long-term dreams, ideals, and avoids reality.

Since Saturn is the ruler of the 11th house Pisces you take a time to search, think and consider. During 2022, Uranus - ruler of 12th house Pisces - makes tense aspects with Jupiter and Saturn, indicating that you could be faced with unusual events or situations that are designed to test some of your older or outdated ideas to get you out of the zone comforts and prepares you to face a reality that you can no longer deny.

Sometimes you can feel vulnerable and you see enemies even where there are none. On the other hand, you might conclude that your worst enemies are your own ideas and beliefs.

Seeking forgiveness is not a sign of weakness; on the contrary, it is a sign of inner strength, a gesture that can accelerate healing and help you achieve peace of mind more quickly.

Forgiveness is not a sign of weakness. Photo: Timur Romanov / Unsplash

Jupiter, the traditional ruler of Pisces, passes through your sign for a short time (5/14-7/28) and then moves into Pisces on 12/29/2022, where it will stay until May 2022. This transit opens you up for the long term. new perspectives and helps you become more optimistic in discovering the motivation you need to persevere and the reality of overcoming the difficulties you have been facing lately.

Love (love horoscope Pisces 2022)

The stars are predicting for you luck in love. You will have it most from February 25 to March 20, when Venus is in Pisces. Neptune in Pisces (all year) will have a big impact on your personal life, including your family life. You may struggle to stay true to yourself this year. In some cases, it may be your family that is causing your internal conflicts. If you can, try to show your true self to your family.

The beginning of the year, especially February, brings you disagreements due to the secrets you and your partner have in your relationship, which you will have to explain to each other. Things you have kept quiet about for a long time can seriously undermine your mutual trust.

Love will be on your side! Photo: Jakob Owens / Unsplash

From March to the end of May you will be able to overcome these difficulties and improved life together. During July, you will encounter disagreements in family relationships, as well as misunderstandings in relationships with a loved one. From August to the end of September, harmonious moments together await you. October brings you tensions over shared finances. A calmer period awaits you until the end of the year.

If you are single in January and February you will be attracted to a person who is not free and will hint at a secret relationship. You'll agree, but you'll soon realize it was the wrong decision and end the relationship by mid-April. In June, you will meet a person with whom you had an emotional relationship a few years ago and you will try again, but it will be short-lived. In mid-August, a person will enter your life whom you will experience as a soulmate and with whom you will build a harmonious relationship full of love and support.

Career (career horoscope pisces 2022)

If your current job is stifling your creativity, spring is the time to change it. You will have the opportunity to start doing something completely different, you can expect much higher earnings. Although this year you will not have financial problems, it would be good for you to start saving, as this will come in handy when you fall into a minor crisis at the end of 2022.

If you are planning a vacation, first solve all problems at work, otherwise you will not be able to fully relax. If you do not have a job, be sure to accept an offer in a private company. Although it will be difficult at first, you will have a lot of success later on. At the beginning of winter, expect a greater influx of money, which will come to you just when you need it most. The period is ideal for starting your own company.

The year 2022 will be really favorable to you. Photo: Allef Vinicius / Unsplash

Jupiter will enter your sign in mid-May and will bring you many advantages to excel in what you are an expert in, which will bring you recognition and career advancement.

In June and July, Mars and Venus will make a T-square with Saturn and Uranus, which will bring you strained relationships with colleagues at work. At the end of July, Jupiter returns retrograde to the sign of Aquarius, opening up opportunities for you to catch up on what you were forced to put off until the end of the year.

Money (Financial Horoscope Pisces 2022)

In the next year, finances will not be a problem for you, because you will really have a lot of money. February will be stable, but the real surprise comes with March.

Health (health horoscope Pisces 2022)

In 2022, it is best to pay the most attention to your physical health. You will probably have to do things that will make your physical body very tired. For this reason, it is best to often exercise and don't forget about proper nutrition. This is also a great year to try a body cleansing detox. Do not plan a diet due to pressure from others.

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