Are you interested in what will happen between the sheets in the coming year 2022? For many, this will be a really interesting year, a year full of passion and love adventures.
Sexuality is a part of life and without it we would not be here and now. Let's see what is hidden in the stars and what it predicts for you intimate horoscope 2022.
In 2022, many couples may reawaken romantic sparks, and some will decide to explore the field of sexuality. The most important thing is to have a healthy love for yourself and your body to develop this respect that will improve your confidence and happiness.
See what the year predicts for you 2022 horoscope in the field of intimate life.
You can have the most energy and happiness between May and October. Jupiter will move into your sign for a short time. During this time, you can really open up your sexual potential. Your ruler Mars then moves into Air Gemini in October and moves retrograde, which may mean you slow down a bit during this time. However, by autumn you will easily take the time to develop your sex life to a new level.
Venus will move retrograde at the beginning of the year, this is not the time for single bulls to look for a new partner. In any case, this is a time when you can thoroughly think about what you really want from a relationship and sex life. At the beginning of the year, you can gain a deeper insight into your sexuality. Many things are hidden in the subconscious. Dive deeper and you will more easily open yourself up to positive changes in your sexuality.
The first half of the year may be a bit slower for your extremely playful and lively taste. On June 22, Venus enters your sign, which will bring more energy, passion and love to your sex life. In autumn, however, thanks to retrograde Mars in Gemini, you will have the opportunity to reflect and develop a deeper insight into your own sexuality and sexual energy in general.
2022 brings good energy to your sexuality area. You will spend a lot of time with yourself and learn interesting skills, which of course affects your perception of sexuality, which will not be boring. But for you, the best months in terms of love and sexuality can be in the summer, especially July and August.
Spring 2022 will be your time! More precisely, from March 6 onwards, as Mars will warm up your partner zone then, and Venus will appear in a few weeks. So don't be surprised by an increased sex drive. Use your fire and passion - let your sexual energy burn like the sun!
A virgin
This sign will experience a rebirth in its sex life, immediately after the New Year and until the month of May. This is the time when you will be able to succeed in the sexual field. You can bring more fun and energy into it, which will have a beneficial effect on the entire partner life.
Mars and Venus will enter your sex sector in early March. Venus will bring you joy, fun and humor. All this can deepen your desires in the sexual field and open up new dimensions of sexuality that you have not even dreamed of. In the next year, Libra will invest a lot in their appearance and devote themselves to taking care of their body.
Scorpios are considered the most intense sign, always in need of intimate relationships. Lucky for you, a good year is coming for your sex life! Everything will start intensively from July 5 onwards. Enjoy the passions as you know and only you know!
You will start 2022 with increased passion and sexual energy, which can be extremely high until the end of January. The slowest period can be in autumn, around October, when Mars will be retrograde. But perhaps in 2022 you will deepen your knowledge and learn to use your sexual energy to your advantage.
In the field of sexuality, something special can happen already at the beginning of the year, until January 24. Then you can be at your optimal level. Brighten up the last part of winter with the warmth you can create in partnership with sexuality. Do not be afraid of vulnerability and emotions, indulge in romantic passions.
This year, Saturn may slow down your partying a bit. However, Mars will meet Venus in your sign on March 6, which can be a special point in your sex life. Perhaps this is the date when you reach a new stage in the development of your sex life. Be open to the unknown, as this can affect a different perception of life.
Jupiter in 2022 will bring luck to Pisces. Let the sky be your limit this year - make your wildest dreams come true, this will most likely happen around April 12th. Take a day off just for your partner and treat yourself to a dream day full of romance and sparkle.