
Horoscope: Astrological signs that have a hard time admitting they need help

Photo: Kate Hliznitsova / Unsplash

Need help? No, never. You good? Yes of course. You would never admit that you too sometimes need some advice or a shoulder to comfort.

There is nothing wrong with seeking advice or help from another person. Why should you just give and help others, but when you yourself need something, you hide in your shell and don't allow yourself to show your emotions.

Think to yourself, they will already notice that I am not well. Will they really?

Let's see which astrological signs have a hard time or never admit that they too sometimes need help.


You are often someone who takes care of everyone around you and you enjoy it. You adore your loved ones and constantly show them how much they mean to you. What about your needs? You don't want to bother anyone. You'll insist that you're perfectly fine, even if you're not.



You have found that the people in your life usually come to you for advice or support when they are in trouble. You can see everyone's version of a certain situation, this gives you a powerful ability to help others when they need it most. The problem comes when you are the one who needs something, you feel terrible about asking others to help you. You don't want to burden anyone with your problems.


Would you do anything for the people you care about? Definitely. Everything. But don't expect others to do the same for you. You usually know what you need, but sometimes it's really too hard because you're very sensual and vulnerable. You prefer to wait until someone notices or realizes that you need help. You won't even dream of asking for it yourself.

A virgin

You know that sometimes you need help. You find it easy to tell others in general terms what might help you in a particular matter, but you struggle with the belief that others should figure it out for themselves. You believe you are more than capable of taking care of yourself, and you are, it's just that everyone needs help from time to time, including you.



Because of your reliable nature, people turn to you when they need help. But when it comes to you, you are the one who denies that you ever need anything. You just keep your head down and bury yourself in work and try to take care of everything yourself. You don't have to do everything yourself, even if you're convinced that's the case. No one will deny you help.


You try your best to accommodate everyone and make sure they are well taken care of. You feel that everyone should be heard and considered, but you often don't include yourself. You don't want to put yourself out there to overshadow someone else or possibly cause them trouble. You prefer to be quiet, especially if you think everything will turn out well.

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