
Horoscope: bad qualities of individual astrological signs that can affect the partner relationship

Photo: Vanessagrima01 / Pixabay

You wonder why you didn't see and know this sooner. It's never too late. Get to know the weaknesses of the astrological signs and you may find the reason for the problems in the partnership.

When a relationship ends, you start focusing on your ex's flaws. You're looking for reasons in things that you didn't focus on or noticed before because you were in love.

Let's look at possible mistakes and possible reasons for breaking up a relationship for each astrological sign.


Aries are the astrological sign with the most explosive temper and have trouble controlling their anger. They act like they are naive and immature. They are extremely enthusiastic about new things, but their interest quickly fades. They are very impatient and always want everything here and now. They are selfish and have a hard time understanding other people's perspectives.



Bulls are very stubborn, and in an argument with them, do not expect to ever win. Even when they are wrong, they do not give in. Don't expect them to clean up after themselves or help around the house. Their needs and wants always come first. They can often be tiresome. They find it difficult to open up emotionally and often all they say is that everything is fine.


They are usually very unreliable and you can hardly rely on them. Every day you have to analyze what their moods are in order to know how to behave towards them. They speak nice words, but often do not keep their promises. They get tired of everything quickly, including their partner, and around them you may feel that you are superfluous to them. Living with them involves countless half-finished projects and abandoned ideas.



Their mood swings can be very tiring. They will often hurt you with harsh words, but they will not take the blame for it. They will show signs of dependency in a relationship that can make you feel like you are in prison. They will rush into a serious relationship, marriage and children, even though they themselves are not really sure that they want it. Life with them can be monotonous and predictable, it will be difficult to convince them to engage in new activities.


You will find it difficult to feel safe with them, as they love to flirt at every opportunity that arises. You will never feel like they love you as much as they love you and they will occasionally force you to feel like you are competing in the relationship. They rarely admit they are wrong, but when they do, they don't really believe it. They can be very arrogant. They must always be the center of attention and you will often feel like you are living in their shadow.


A virgin

They are masters at analyzing and judging other people's behavior. Living with them means that you will always have to be the initiator of everything. They are insecure. They are often insecure and expect you to make them feel safe. You have to live by their rules or you will hear them complain every day.


You will rarely know what their honest opinion on things is, as they mostly tell you what they know you want to hear. They will try to manipulate you. They are vain and obsessed with their appearance and expect you to look perfect too. They are not persistent and often complain about everything that is difficult to listen to constantly.



Their jealousy is well-known and wild looks can be expected every time you talk to a member of the opposite sex they find attractive. They also like to manipulate your feelings, so you will have a hard time figuring out what their true feelings are. They are capable of completely ignoring you and abandoning you by completely disappearing from your life. They often have secrets and are no stranger to small lies. Even small quarrels turn into big quarrels with them.


They like to talk and have a hard time listening to others. They expect their partner to entertain them all the time, if he doesn't, they start moaning and ranting. You will have a hard time teaching a Sagittarius, because they think they know everything. They like to be dominant in relationships. They can be very direct and insensitive and have no feeling for fellow human beings.


Business, goals and success will always be more important to them than their partner. They are known to be the most control-obsessed of all the astrological signs. They lack spontaneity, as they are not able to relax, so the relationship with them can quickly become boring. They will analyze and remember your every mistake. They don't forget anything. You cannot influence their attitude, all you can do is adapt to them.



They often live in their own dream world, which makes them alienated from everything, including their partner. The relationship with them quickly turns into a lifelong series of lectures, because they always know everything best about everything. Friends often get involved in your private life and this makes you feel as though you are not enough for them. Although they pride themselves on being liberal, in reality they judge everyone else according to their principles. You can always tell what they're thinking, but rarely what they're feeling.


Their thoughtfulness is a problem, because you have to repeat everything you say several times. If it's hard to get them to start something, it's even harder to get them to finish it in the foreseeable future. They will be constantly thinking about what they want in life, and you will be wondering where you fit into their life. They idealize relationships and have huge expectations.

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