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Horoscope: Causes of depression in astrological signs

That's why you're depressed!

Depression often hides behind ordinary, everyday life situations, which is why it is so difficult to recognize. You have probably felt a lack of willpower and energy, you were sad and pessimistic.

The causes of depression vary from person to person. The problems we face affect us in different ways.

Never forget to put yourself first!

Let's look at the most to least depressed astrological signs and what causes them mental health problems.


Cancers are most unhappy when they look bad or when they don't like themselves. Because of their emotional nature, they are more prone to depression than other signs. It may sound strange, but Cancers care a lot about their appearance, and if they don't look perfect to themselves, they fall into depression. But when they fight depression with physical fitness, all is well.


She is obsessed with control and not being able to control everything that exists makes her quite sad and even depressed. If something is out of balance it affects their emotions, making them confused. When something happens in their life that is out of their control, it throws them completely off track, which ultimately causes them to become depressed.



Pisces get depressed because of family, not because of the people in it, but because they imagine the ideal relationships they would like to have. When relationships are not in line with this, they withdraw into themselves and fall into depression. Very sensitive when it comes to their relatives, if relations are not good, they quickly sink into depression.


If they stand still or stagnate, they feel as if they are stuck, then depression appears suddenly and with full force. The problem is that bulls put themselves in such situations. How? When they are not challenged, they eventually become bored, which leads to depression. Although they are aware of their mistakes, it is difficult to change such a situation.

A virgin

A Virgo, she gets depressed when she thinks about her life. And because she doesn't stop thinking about the ups and downs, it can lead her to emotional burnout. He creates imaginary scenarios that always end in disaster. With this, they predict bad times for themselves, which naturally follow, and by inducing depressive feelings related to something that has not even happened, they destroy the happiness of the present moment.


Scorpio represses fear and causes himself to go into depression. While they enjoy being fearless, doing whatever they want and reaping the rewards of their labor, they love it so much that they are constantly terrified of the idea that it won't last forever. The fear of disappointment haunts them and pushes them into depression.


Geminis are depressed by breakups, especially if they come unexpectedly. It's true that we can all be sad and disappointed when a relationship ends, but Geminis, unlike others, can never get over it and move on. They carry the feeling of betrayal and loss of love all their lives. They hide their emotions very well under a smile.


Aries gets depressed when someone ignores him, although this rarely happens, as he is a happy sign. They love attention, and when it happens that it is not directed at them, they sink into depression. They persistently seek the approval of the environment, when it is not so, they become depressed, but quickly recover and move on.


Capricorns are depressed about aging because they cannot accept that it is a natural process and always try to postpone it. They will first turn to cosmetic surgery to change their appearance, but sooner or later they fall into depression.


A Leo is very depressed when he doesn't get what he wants, be it a person, thing or idea. He needs to be in control, and when things don't go according to plan, he gets depressed. But unlike most, they don't hide it, they want everyone around them to see it. However, their fiery personality does not allow them to be in this mood for long.


Being alone is a big driver for the adventure shooter. He is one of the signs that feels very comfortable in his loneliness and does not worry about it. Sagittarians are people who like to be alone until they become lonely after a while. Fortunately, they quickly get together and embark on a new adventure.


Aquarius does not tolerate criticism. And because of this, they will spend eternity trying to prove themselves right. The very struggle weakens them and affects their self-esteem because they do not know how to defend themselves. This struggle promotes depression in them, but fortunately they recover quickly.

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