
Horoscope for October 2021: this is what the stars predict for you

Photo: Envato

What is your horoscope for the month of October? Are calm autumn days ahead or a coastal storm that will shake up your life? What is written for you in the stars of the month of October 2021? Passion? Quarrels? Problems? Happiness? New love?

Autumn is here. Changes occur in nature and in the lives of individuals. Everything is falling into place, the autumn leaves are falling, maybe they are falling in your case, the leaves of the past.

Are you ready for change? To a rainbow of autumn feelings?

Let's see what is in store for you according to your astrological sign in the month of October?


Big changes await you in the love field. Conflicts with your partner are possible, because of them you will not get answers to many questions. There is a risk of betrayal and infidelity.

In the career field, a busy beginning of October awaits you, but from the 19th the situation will begin to change for the better. Around October 23, your financial situation will improve with a sudden increase in profits.

On the love side, we should clear up the situation by the end of the month, but there are still a few small things to sort out. Do not hesitate too long before taking action, do not waste precious time.


October will begin peacefully. If you want to make progress and take a big step forward this month, the chances are good, but you have to be patient.

Both in the field of love and in the family circle, the stars recommend that you play the card of prudence.

Only on October 22 will a new wind blow and begin to carry away unpleasant memories. Get out of the past, which will bring you prosperity. Don't get involved in conflicts and don't give ultimatums.

Photo: Envato


October is the month in which you will first want to distance yourself a bit from others, be alone and think, but many in your environment will not understand this. Try to understand them before you get into a conflict.

At the beginning of the month, there will be a lack of stability in the partnership relationship, but from around October 15, the situation will significantly improve.

Enjoy and take advantage of the great family atmosphere around October 22 and talk about all kinds of joint activities and projects. Don't be stubborn, be more open to other people's opinions.


Important meetings await you at the beginning of the month. You will be somewhat reserved at first, but then you will very quickly relax and begin to express your feelings and expectations. Establish new contacts and focus on a pleasant atmosphere of interpersonal relations.

There is some uncertainty in love and family relationships. If you close your eyes instead of accepting the reality, it is quite possible that the situation will worsen. Try to find a common language.

Luck will return after October 15. New opportunities and an improvement in your financial situation await you. Autumn promises you a brighter future.


If you are looking for solutions to your problems, you will be able to find them from October 13 onwards. The ideal solution for you would be to get actively involved in solving this situation and use every, even the smallest, opportunity that presents itself to you.

Around October 19, the atmosphere in the business field can get complicated, you will have a bad relationship with your colleagues, but because you are a proud lion, you will not allow them to derail you. Don't hide your ambitions.

Many conflicts in love and family will be resolved. At the end of the month, some planets send positive vibrations in your direction, you will get a new flight.

A virgin

With the arrival of autumn, your passion will subside, but Venus continues to influence you, leaving the door open in anticipation of opportunities and happiness. Don't be afraid and instead of pretending to be indifferent, take the initiative.

From the beginning of the month, the stress level will decrease. Make more of an emotional effort. Love and family will be at the center of your priorities, and your children will be the foundation of your happiness.

Potential problems are not difficult to deal with if you pay attention to the details and make wise decisions. If you are considering big projects, the influence of the planets will be on your side.


You live in dreams and fantasy, but you hide the real problems under the carpet. Passion awaits you and rash decisions are possible.

You are very desirable, both at work and at home and in love. Attention from others makes you feel great, but at some point you have to come down a little bit.

From October 22, the planet will bring you a difficult period and a great test of love. In the work environment, minor problems can disturb your relations with colleagues, be more tolerant and calm.


For those born under the sign of Scorpio, October promises a new level of openness to ideas. Love events come to the fore. You will be more confident. The stars recommend opening up to new acquaintances and maybe even new love.

You will enjoy interacting with nature, take this opportunity to take a long walk in the forest. From around October 14, your emotional and love affairs will be very intense.

Unexpected changes will divert the flow of things, and if you have planned a trip, it may be delayed for a while.

Photo: Envato


The stars love you! The beginning of the month will be quite calm. In the second week, events under the influence of the planets will begin to move and accelerate.

You will experience dynamic changes in the field of love. Big projects await you in the career field. Favorable meetings are ahead of you, your expectations will be fulfilled, and communication will resume if it was at a standstill. Your colleagues will support you.

But you can expect some changes in your personal life, but don't worry, everything will be nice and positive. If you need financial support for career development, this period is extremely favorable for obtaining funds.


Autumn will be favorable for you, emotions will be intense and strong, and your intuition will be at its best, you will not miss anything. From October 12, opportunities will appear one after another, and if you want to emphasize your creativity, you will have many opportunities to do so.

Do you wonder if starting a project will be worth it, it will be, just go ahead and reject the doubts! If you are considering any changes in the personal sphere, make them without questioning the past.

Your perception of love will be different. To overcome emotional fears, the planets will give you the necessary impetus to move forward and learn to trust yourself and others.

There will be a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere in the family.


Will you be able to bring more determination into your life this fall? In the area of love, you will be more aware of your feelings. You continue your set path without noise and you will reach your destination. If some questions remained unsolved in the past, now you will finally get answers to them.

Use this autumn period to start new projects or plan a trip in the winter period.

You will have a pleasant balance in a romantic relationship. In the career field, you will have more work to do and you will be more stressed. Go on a well-deserved vacation.


Your mind wanders, you live in a dream world. At the beginning of the month, you will easily do everything you set out to do. From around October 10, you will feel the transformation in many areas.

Misty situations in love become clearer and you will no longer be subject to the strong influence of passion. The decisions you make are fair and correct.

Somewhere from October 21 onwards, family concerns await you, which will affect your everyday life. Control your emotions, think and you will find a way out of the situation.

Instead of spending time in front of the TV screen, enjoy spending time with friends. Friends are your biggest support in October.

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