
Horoscope for women: the planet Mars reveals what your ideal man is like

Photo: netflix / Emily and Paris

In your Mars natal chart, you can find out what your energy is, how mentally strong you are, more about your passions, how you operate in affect, and more. The sign you have Mars in shows how you can fulfill your need to conquer what you want.

Mars symbolizes many things and in a woman's horoscope it also has additional, special symbolism - it can help you find your ideal partner. If you make good use of understanding his position in your astrological sign, it will be clear to you what kind of men you attract, which ones you should not waste your time on, and which ones are worthy of your attention.

Let's see what kind of man the planet Mars wants to find you.

Mars in Aries

If Mars rules in the sign of Aries, he feels at home. Your ideal man has a competitive spirit. He is energetic, temperamental. He is involved in sports, and is ready to show this animal energy in bed as well.

Mars in Taurus

Venus is the ruler of Taurus. If you have Mars in Taurus, your ideal man will be a hedonist, someone who will enjoy restaurants and the company of you and your friends. An admirer of traditional values. He will always try to be financially strong. He will be extremely persistent in everything he does.


Mars in Gemini

In this sign, Mars expresses its warrior energy through speech. Your man will be a good interlocutor, someone with whom you can talk and philosophize all night long. He will be versatile, intelligent, extremely talented. Sometimes his tongue will be faster than his mind, but with his eloquence he will easily get out of all problems. Mars in Gemini in a woman's horoscope can also symbolize tendencies towards parallel relationships.

Mars in Cancer

When the warrior energy of Mars combines with the sensibility of Cancer, we get a gentle man, full of imagination, a dreamer. Someone who will be sensitive enough to understand your tender nature. In a man, you are looking for a protector, someone who will provide you with security and someone who has a desire for a family and a slightly more intimate atmosphere. They will be a couple who enjoy finding deserted, secluded beaches at sea so they can enjoy the sound of the waves in peace.


Mars in Leo

Mars likes to be the center of attention in this sign. Your ideal man will be successful, ambitious, someone with whom you can enjoy his success and fame. It is very important for you to be proud of the man you are with. You are attracted to warm, open men, full of energy and vitality. Chances are, your ideal man is a public figure.

Mars in Virgo

Virgo is an extremely analytical sign, so if this is your sign, you should analyze a man well before getting involved with him. And that's a great tactic! You are answered by a man standing with both feet on the ground, faithful, humble and reliable. A man of perfect manners, always neat and clean, even when in work clothes.


Mars in Libra

The combination of belligerent Mars and always diplomatically inclined Libra leads you to a person who does not know how to argue and who tries to restore balance in every situation. If this is your Mars, you are looking for a partner with whom you will find harmony and peace, where there is no room for drama or jealous scenes! Libra always seeks balance in everything!

Mars in Scorpio

Scorpio is the second sign ruled by Mars, so next to Aries it is his second house. If your Mars is in this sign, your ideal partner must first of all be a phenomenal lover who will be able to cope with your sexual style. He must be passionate, and a little jealous, because this is also a great indicator for you that someone cares about you.


Mars in Sagittarius

If your Mars is in Sagittarius, you need a partner with whom you will have a new adventure every day! He must communicate openly with you, participate in philosophical discussions and be free-thinking. There is a high probability that it will be someone who has a foreign origin, maybe they met abroad.

Mars in Capricorn

Mars in this sign can shine in its full glory! You have incredible energy inside you and you need a man to match you. You are attracted to men with a strong sexual nature, responsible, mature, serious, decisive.


Mars in Aquarius

The eccentricity of Aquarius turns Mars into an unconventional fighter. Men with a modern worldview are suitable for women with Mars in Aquarius. You need a person who has strong convictions and a highly developed individuality, someone who has a dose of unpredictability in his behavior. When it comes to sex, you need someone with an open mind who is inclined to experiment.

Mars in Pisces

If your Mars is in Pisces, more sensual men respond to you. Often such men are artists or musicians, dreamers, romantics. People with whom you can create your own little fantasy world. There is also a good chance that you are attracted to secret or hidden relationships and that you are prone to fetishes, so a partner with the same or similar fantasies would be ideal for you.

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