
Horoscope: How to smooth out a relationship with an individual astrological sign?

Photo: Esther Tuttle/Unsplash

Does the person on the other end accept the apology? Is it for compromises? Is it never her fault? Does he need time to process and forgive? Scorpios are known as a vengeful sign, and if you don't ask them for reconciliation and forgiveness immediately after an argument, they will blacklist you. Virgos, on the other hand, are people who forgive very easily and give a second chance.

People are different and what is true for one person is not necessarily true for another person.

In astrology, there are signs with a very complex character, and it is not always easy to find a common language and harmonize with them. Of course, this depends on many factors.

But if you find it difficult to communicate with someone, this does not mean that the argument will not be resolved and that you will not smooth out disputes.

Fire element: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

People with fire signs should be careful, because they can say too much in the heat of an argument. It is not worth getting into strong arguments with them, but it is better to give them a chance to have a calm conversation.

A sign a ram it has a very glowing head and a short fuse. Therefore, everything possible should be done so that they do not remain in a state of rage for too long. Never insult or reject them if they want to settle with you.

Even with lions there's no point in arguing. When you are in an argument with them, you will either admit defeat yourself or be forced to do so. Lions are very stubborn, so even under threat they will not admit their guilt.

On the other hand, reconciliation with shooters surprisingly simple and communication with them requires no effort. Just tell them you're sorry.

Earth Element: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Earth signs do not like long arguments because they are very tiring and worrying for them. If you want to make peace with the signs of the Earth element, you need to make compromises and show an optimistic attitude.

It is one of the most vengeful signs bull. He won't take revenge on you, but he will never forget how you didn't invite them to a party a few years ago, or you said something offensive to them. But dealing with them is very simple, just admit your guilt.

Virgins they are people who forgive very easily people who ask for forgiveness. They give a second chance very easily. However, if the mistake is repeated, it is much more difficult to earn their forgiveness.

Capricorn is a sign that has a very hard time forgiving people, so it's better not to hold a grudge against him. He will easily say that you have been forgiven, but deep down he will think that you are not a person to be trusted. He is very cautious, so you will have to fight for a long time for him to truly forgive you.

Air element: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Air signs are the easiest to forgive. They may or may not understand you, but that will not affect the dismissal. Mostly, these are kind people who simply have neither the desire nor the will to be angry with someone.

Twins they forgive quickly. Sometimes it will take some time, but still take the first step.

Libra but it is a sign that likes to get angry. They pretend that everything bothers them, but in reality they are very kind and gentle. Do not try to make peace with them immediately, but after some time, when their anger has passed.

Aquarius he is also one of the signs that has no time for anger. But to get their forgiveness, it's not enough to just say you're sorry, you have to start behaving differently. If not, they cut you out of their lives completely.

Water element: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Water signs are the hardest to deal with. They are not only vindictive, but also passionate as signs of the Fire element.

As is already known, they are scorpions the most vindictive of all signs. If you don't ask for their forgiveness right away, they will put you on a blacklist from which it will be almost impossible to leave.

A sign cancer but he forgets all the bad things as if they never happened, and to make peace with them, you just have to stop making them angry.

Also fish they forgive easily, but even if they won't admit it, they will remember the fight forever. Therefore, it would be wise to immediately ask for their forgiveness.

Regardless of everything written, if you did something wrong - apologize!

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