
Horoscope October 2022: what does the first autumn month bring you?

Photo: envato

What does the month of autumn bring you? Will it keep you cold or will it warm your life?

Ahead of you is a month that brings new challenges, new opportunities, new loves, successes as well as defeats. Either way, find your happiness in it.

Aries (horoscope October 2022)

For many Aries, October 2022 will be a difficult period. They will face a series of problems that at first sight have no solution. Intuition will help you manage the chaos of work and worries. Your inner voice advises you on what to do now and what to put off for later.

You will have great ambitions in your career. Luck will be on your side: fate will show you alternative options and you will be able to make the right move. However, don't worry about the little things. Pick a few of the most important projects and tackle them.

In love, Aries will want to hide their feelings. You will unexpectedly be shy and unable to take the initiative. But true love will wait as long as it takes. You will realize that many of your fears were unfounded.

Taurus (horoscope October 2022)

In October, we advise bulls not to rush, so as not to find themselves in front of big challenges. However, excessive haste is not in your nature. You will slowly but surely get out of all conflicts and find the right solution in all dubious situations.

Advice from more experienced people will mean a lot to you at work. Help will come from where you least expect it. The opportunity for career changes will appear in the second half of October.


In personal life, everything will develop nervously and unevenly. Short periods of mutual understanding will be replaced by quarrels, and harmony by conflicts. But there is a solution: don't lose your patience. Time will put everything in its place.

Gemini (horoscope October 2022)

For Gemini, it's time for brilliant ideas. Everything you come up with in October will be both useful and simple. So keep being creative! It is unlikely that it will be possible to implement everything planned immediately, but the beginning is already half the battle. Communication skills will replace fatigue and irritability. Don't force yourself to do everything and please everyone.

Rest, relax. If you don't, your health will suffer. Love sparks will be closely intertwined with work in October. A nice acquaintance through work is possible. Enjoy, but don't let the work suffer.

Cancer (horoscope October 2022)

In October, Cancers will easily find allies to realize any of their ideas. Profitable offers and interesting projects await this emotional sign. Some of them will be quite unexpected: you may have to explore new directions. In the middle of the month, you will need all your determination and courage to defend your position.

Don't let your emotions guide you: decisions should be made with a fresh mind. Many Cancers are tempted when it comes to money. You may spend more than you have. Paying off the debt will not be easy. On a personal level, Cancers will find peace and comfort.


October is the time of autumn romance and beautiful nights in the company of the family. During this period, you will find in your partner everything you need to feel happy.

Leo (horoscope October 2022)

October will not bring significant changes to Leos. However, something will seem to happen that will change your life. In the wake of this feeling, you will do so much that you will surpass yourself. And the reward won't keep you waiting.

The second decade of the month will be extremely favorable for traveling and acquiring new knowledge. The trip will not only be pleasant, but also useful. And you will immediately start using the acquired skills and abilities in practice. Thanks to this, your authority in the team will grow even more.

Personal relationships will develop well, but critical moments cannot be completely avoided. Disagreements can be caused by old grievances. To reduce tension, first compromise. Your partner will appreciate your generosity and repay you in the future.

Virgo (horoscope October 2022)

The most interesting events will take place in the first half of October. What is happening will lead many virgins to think that they deserve more than they have. Success will come to those who clearly formulate a goal and make an effort to achieve it.

In the middle of the month, Virgos will find it difficult to focus on obligations and tasks. Unforeseen delays, bureaucratic delays and various inconsistencies are possible, which spoil the mood quite a bit. You may be involved in other people's intrigues and it will be very difficult for you to build your reputation.

At the end of the month, the winds of change will blow again for Virgos. It will affect all areas, but especially those where you want to fix something yourself. At this moment, large monetary incomes and lucrative offers are possible, due to which you can literally turn your life 180 degrees.

Libra (horoscope October 2022)

In October, Libras will have to think and rethink a lot. The stars give you the opportunity to take a fresh look at familiar things and reassess your life priorities. This can cause an almost complete change in the communication circuit.


In mid-October, Libras will think about changing jobs. You will have interesting offers, but things will not be so simple. Make a decision carefully so you don't regret it later. Don't focus too much on the future - instead think about what you can do here and now.

Perfect harmony awaits in the love sphere of Libra. In October, you will be able to conquer the person you like, and pleasant acquaintances can turn into stormy emotions and tender romantic relationships. For those who want to change their marital status, October will be the right time.

Scorpio (horoscope October 2022)

A very fertile and rich month awaits Scorpios. Everything will start happening from day one. Attempts to bring the situation under control will not be successful. Let the flow of life guide you and adapt to events. The solutions will come by themselves.

Money problems are possible in mid-October. They can relate to old debts, undue spending or taxes. Be practical when it comes to finances. In your love life, your strengths should be patience and restraint. Many conversations await you, patience is required.

Sagittarius (horoscope October 2022)

Sagittarians will be able to literally move mountains in October. This month will be one of the most successful this year. You will realize several long-standing wishes, deal with negative people in one fell swoop and significantly improve your financial situation. But do not be arrogant: the paths of fate are changeable.

Maintain a positive spirit and optimism despite the changes. At the end of the month, it is time to take care of the family. Large purchases and real estate investments will be successful during this period.

Capricorn (horoscope October 2022)

Capricorns will achieve a lot if they don't waste time. Pleasant discoveries, business development and new beginnings await you in October. The second decade of the month will be a favorable period. Old dreams and hobbies will give you inspiration. In the third decade of October, Capricorns are in danger of being drawn into dubious projects. To avoid problems, say "no" where that inner voice whispers to you.


Stick to the plan and remember that all good things are simple and easy, and where there are oddities, there is always something wrong. In the last days of the month, find time for household chores. Don't be too hard on your loved ones - they need support.

Aquarius (horoscope October 2022)

In October, Aquarians will not be able to avoid crowds. You will have to complete a lot of unfinished business, both your own and other people's problems. A creative approach to everything that happens helps you move forward. But don't forget - you will have to deal with the most difficult tasks yourself.

Perseverance will help you succeed in your career. Do not waste promises - everything will have to be fulfilled and even doubled. Aquarians who work with people will be able to achieve a lot because of their charisma. In the second half of the month, trips are promised, where Aquarians can meet their soul mate. Aquarians who are in a relationship will find a common language with their partner.

Pisces (horoscope October 2022)

Pisces should be patient - the month should be difficult. Your strength will be tested from all sides. In the middle of the month you will want to isolate yourself, to be alone, but at the end of the month you will have a series of positive experiences. The third decade of the month will bring a series of successful things that will bring you happiness.

In the last days of the month, everything will fall into place. You can do a lot for your future and the support of loved ones means a lot to you.

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