
The horoscope reveals why we keep falling in love with the wrong partners

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The question of why we fall in love with the wrong partners is complex and multifaceted.

However, it goes to the astrological sign, we can get the answer in ourselves, why we choose subconsciously wrong partners. Each individual has his or her own unique experiences, beliefs, and internal dynamics that influence patterns of attraction and mate selection.

It often does we fall in love into the wrong partners because of patterns and beliefs, which we carry from past relationships or from childhood. We can find ourselves in a pattern of seeking love and validation that is we did not receive in previous relationships or in the family. This can lead us to be attracted to partners who do not offer us healthy and fulfilling love, but rather they trigger old wounds and pain.

Sometimes we fall in love with the wrong partners because own insecurities and lack of self-confidence. We may not feel worthy or loved enough and therefore attract partners who deepen this feeling. From fear of loneliness or from low self-esteem, we can find ourselves in unhealthy relationships that do not bring us happiness and fulfillment.

Sometimes we can fall in love with the wrong partners because we believe they have to have certain characteristics or meet certain social standards rather than focusing on true compatibility and respect in a relationship.

Is it real or? Photo: Devon Divine/Unsplash

Why do astrological signs fall in love with the wrong partners?


Aries is an impulsive and passionate sign, driven by its strong temperament. However, he often falls in love with partners who cannot keep up with his fast pace. Because he lives at an intense pace, he looks for partners who are equally energetic, but sometimes falls in love with people who cannot keep up with his lifestyle. This leads to inevitable conflicts and disappointments, as his passions do not align with those of his chosen ones.


Taurus is loyal, stable and values comfort in his life. However, she often falls in love with partners who are unstable or unpredictable. This can happen because he sometimes seeks excitement and change outside of his comfort zone. He is also attracted to people who present him with a challenge or a mystery. However, this inconsistency in the nature of the Taurus character can lead to problems in relationships, since the instability and unpredictability of the partner does not correspond to the Taurus's need for stability and security.


Geminis are curious and always looking for new experiences. This curiosity can lead them into toxic relationships, as they are attracted to people who are mysterious, challenging or difficult to reach. Sometimes they can focus too much on surface attractiveness and miss warning signs of a mismatch in a partner's values, interests or reliability. This can lead to inconsistencies and conflicts in relationships, as twins find themselves in a dynamic that does not bring them fulfillment and stability.

You've fallen in love with the wrong person again. Photo: Bruno Van Der Kraan / Unsplash


Cancer is a caring and protective sign that wants to create a deep emotional connection with other people. However, he often falls in love with people who need rescuing or helping. Cancer's natural compassion and caring can lead to a pattern of neglecting their own emotional needs in order to meet the needs of their partner. This can lead to imbalance and dissatisfaction in relationships, as Cancer's need for protection and support can be exhausted.


Leo is confident and wants to be the center of attention. Despite this, he often falls in love with partners who ignore him or do not provide him with enough support. This discrepancy in attraction often leads to dissatisfaction and the collapse of the relationship. Leos associate a sense of self-worth with a sense of importance, so they need a partner who respects, admires, and gives them the necessary attention. A lack of these elements can lead to feelings of neglect and unfulfillment in a relationship.

A virgin

Virgo is a perfectionist and analytical personality who often falls in love with people with problems that she believes she can solve. Virgo is naturally oriented towards improving and fixing things, which can also be transferred to the choice of partners. However, this dynamic is not the basis for a healthy relationship, as Virgos often experience disappointment when they find that they cannot solve their partner's problems or change their behavior. This can lead to dissatisfaction and frustration in the relationship.

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Libra strives for harmony and balance in all aspects of its life, including in partner relationships. However, she sometimes falls in love with partners who are chaotic or conflicted. This happens because he seeks balance and tries to solve problems, but sometimes he overemphasizes his partner's problems and neglects his own needs. This can lead to unhealthy dynamics and disharmony in the relationship, as Libra cares too much about harmony at the expense of their own happiness.


Scorpio is an intense and passionate sign that has strong emotional energy. However, this intensity can attract partners who cannot understand on a deeper level. Often, Scorpios fall in love with people who have trouble communicating their feelings or cannot experience them with the same intensity. This can lead to disagreements, lack of depth and breakups in the relationship, as Scorpio needs a deep emotional connection.


Sagittarians are free-spirited and adventurous, with a strong need for freedom. However, they often also have a need to test their limits and explore new things. Because of this need, they often fall in love with partners who are possessive or restrict them in their free life choices. This conflict between the desire for independence and the limitations of the partner can lead to dissatisfaction and the end of the relationship.


Capricorn is a practical and ambitious sign that strives to achieve success in life. However, she often falls in love with people who are not ambitious or interested in the same level of success. Capricorn sometimes subconsciously tries to prove that he can be successful even without the support or understanding of his partner. This can lead to unmet needs for support and shared goals in the relationship.


Aquarius is a free-spirited and unconventional sign that does not conform to social norms. Due to his originality, he is often misunderstood in society. However, they sometimes fall in love with people who are traditional and conservative, which creates a mismatch between their originality and social expectations. Aquarians may seek a balance between their freedom and their need to belong, but may feel restricted or unfulfilled in such relationships.

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Pisces are sensitive and empathetic, with a deeply emotional nature. However, they often fall in love with partners who do not appreciate or understand their depth and emotionality. This can lead to disappointments and heartbreak as Pisces look for a connection on a deeper level that they cannot find in a partner. The need for emotional connection is key for Pisces, so they can feel lost and unaccepted in relationships that don't meet their emotional needs.

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