
Horoscope: Weaknesses that astrological signs want you to know about

Photo: Envato

I want you to know that I'm not that perfect. I want you to know that I have my baggage. I want you to know her and accept her, to accept my past and present.

The past has already been. You can no longer live it, but you can relive it and with it, everything that happened at that time - fears, apprehensions, disappointments, losses, failures...

It marks you and in relationships you want your partner to know that you have problems, that your past has shaped you into who you are, that you are not perfect.

They want you to know that:


They have jealousy issues. They need to know that you will not leave them.


They have body image issues. They need to know that you have them no matter what they are.


They have a fear of commitment. They want you to be patient with them because they want to move slowly.



They have problems with codependency. They want you to know they're not trying to be pushy by texting you all the time, that's just the way they are.


They have problems with intimacy. They don't want you to pressure them and force them into intimacy. They want to go slow.

A virgin

They have trouble letting go. They need assurance that you are not going anywhere.


They have trust issues. They want you to be faithful. Even harmless flirting will seem like a betrayal to them.



They have family problems. They need you to understand that the traditional life may not be the most appealing to them.


They have communication problems. They want you to know that their actions speak louder than their words.


They have problems lowering the walls. They want you to come to terms with the fact that they won't immediately trust you with their heart.



They have trust issues. They want you to know that they really have a hard time trusting and that they are insecure.


They have a problem with boundaries. They want you to understand that they are trying their best, even if they mess up and overstep their bounds here and there.

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