
Horoscope: These astrological signs only get caught in bed

Photo: envato

With some people, you can't have anything but passionate sex. And you don't understand how you can get along so well with someone in bed where your sensibilities are so similar that you read each other's minds and for the first time function as if you've known each other for a hundred years, but when you're not in bed you have nothing in common and they don't know what to do.

You have different and conflicting views and values, taste, cultural and intellectual level, in a word, nothing in common!

Are you wondering how to solve this situation, how to understand and accept such a relationship?

From an astrological point of view, some zodiac signs have a tendency to achieve such a confusing connection, that is, to understand each other well only in bed.

Let's see which pairs of astrological signs create strong chemistry, but at the same time have nothing in common.

Aries and Leo

Aries are curious and like to experiment. Lions are open to all suggestions. They approach sexuality from the same internal position, they want to play and push the boundaries of pleasure. Therefore, you will get along fantastically in bed and give each other unforgettable moments.


Outside of it, most of the time, they can only argue and get angry, because both are possessive and demanding. Both like to control their partner, they are hard and demanding and therefore each of them needs someone tolerant or someone who knows how to relax and calm them down.

Aries and Scorpio

This is a collision between two of the most explosive and passionate zodiac signs. There will be sparks between them and the passion will be glowing. But when they stop sparking, it's best to go their separate ways as soon as possible, because there will still be sparks between them, and in an extremely negative way. They can offend and hurt each other and get stuck between passion and revenge in the worst possible way.

Taurus and Cancer

On a physical level, there is pure poetry between them! The most tender, most sensual love, with a great emotional charge. They will inevitably fall in love with each other, as they will not be able to resist their emotionality and passion.


But the first time they quarrel, they will regret the realization that they are in an impossible relationship and that they do not understand each other at all, although they want the same thing - to love and not to separate.

Aquarius and Pisces

They are terribly similar, in that each prefers to live in his own world, full of kindness, empathy, generosity and love. But they prefer to share these noble feelings with everyone but themselves. Others need them more than they need others.

Therefore, they manage to connect in the best way sexually, the solution for them is to cultivate friendship with privileges.

Sagittarius and Pisces

Pisces have another ideal partner, and that is Sagittarius. They should not try to establish any relationship other than intimate with him, as they will quickly tire of each other.


It's best to end it the way it started - with a playful adventure, a passionate fun-filled one-night stand.

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