
Horoscope: What does the full Moon in Leo bring us?


Photo: envato

Will it really attract everything we want into our lives? Let's see what fate will bring us from February 16 and how we can use its energy!

On February 16, 2022, the full Moon in Leo brings an important mission! We will discover where our happiness lies and how to fight for what we want!

We will realize that happiness is not unattainable, it is not far from us - in fact, it is within us!

The energy of the Full Moon will lead us to an important career-related goal. From this day on, we will organize our time well, we will be inclined to travel, change. We will do everything to achieve harmony of mind, body and spirit.

We need to shed old entanglements, let go of the idea that we have to work hard to find our purpose. Let's reprogram these beliefs so that we can recognize that our purpose is found within us and not around us.

If you had obsessive thoughts in the previous period, now is the time to sit down, isolate yourself and understand yourself better. Sit with any thoughts that come up and watch the Full Moon do everything to help you recreate and form new ideas.

Enjoy the full moon. Photo: Jerry Ling/Unsplash

One of the gifts that this Full Moon offers us is the energy of lightness. It reminds us to be gentle with ourselves and focus on creating joy. Being in a state of joy is one of the fastest ways to connect with the paths of our destiny.

The path of joy and the path of purpose are very often intertwined. After one we find our way to the other. If you are feeling down about something in your life or frustrated with the events happening around you right now, allow the vibrations of the Full Moon to bring a little lightness into your life and situations.

Remember that everything is temporary and fleeting, then look at life from a brighter perspective.

These days it is laughter is a powerful medicine, so find it anywhere and anytime. Hang out with friends, watch a funny movie, read a funny book, let the laughter flow through your being. Venus and Mars are together under this Full Moon, sending passionate, creative and balanced energy our way.

This is the moment to open our hearts. To strengthen our feelings of passion, to re-examine our connection to masculine and feminine energies.

Venus and Mars are very creative forces that can be used not only for creative projects and inspiration, but also for working on manifestations. By working with these energies, we can increase our chances of attracting what we desire.

May your moon dance be magical. Photo: Stefano Valtorta / Unsplash

The full moon is liberating, and together with Venus and Mars we can attract energy that allows us to feel powerful, passionate, creative and connected to ourselves.

This energy is especially helpful if you want to manifest meeting a soulmate or improving a romantic relationship. If you want to connect more deeply with your body, sexuality or passion for your partner or life in general, this Full Moon will be right for you.

Use the fiery energy of the Moon in Leo to embrace all that is. Feel beautiful and confident in your own skin, make strong decisions. Dance and movement can help strengthen the positive vibes within you, as well as spoken affirmations aimed at self-love.

If you look within, the answers will reveal themselves.

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