
Horoscope: Which healing crystals belong to your astrological sign

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Did you know that based on centuries of experience, semi-precious stones are known to affect health, mood, mental energy and feelings?

There is a very strong astrological connection between people and the semi-precious stones they wear. Jewelry made of some precious or semi-precious stone, pearl or precious metal changes their emotions, mood and energy.

The idea of crystal healing was first popularized in the 1930s, when the American trance psychic Edgar Cayce claimed that his visions revealed that crystals were used as a source of energy in Atlantean times.

Remember that crystal healing should be used in conjunction with – and not as a substitute for – conventional medicine. There are many factors that make up your well-being.

Working with healing stones and crystals can help you create harmony, manage stress and improve well-being.

Below we describe the message of crystals for each astrological sign.

Aries: Garnet

Pomegranate got its name from the similarity of its deep red color to the color of a pomegranate. It can help bring success in things you passionately believe in. Due to its rich color and connection to the root chakra, garnet suggests a strong influence on sensuality and sexuality. Therapists who believe in the power of gemstones use garnet in counseling couples whose sexual chemistry has begun to disappear.

As a stone of power, it increases self-confidence and helps in realizing personal and career goals. Red garnet is a stone of deep love and helps ensure fidelity in relationships. It is also known as the stone of patience and perseverance and is a symbol of spiritual awareness and compassion.

Garnet Photo: Gem / Pixabay

Garnet is very versatile - it encourages the user to search for answers - and the answers that come as a result of this search will be useful and important. A stone worn regularly is believed to increase energy and promote romantic love.

Taurus: Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is a stone that works on an emotional level. It can help you become more aware of the love that is all around you and get in touch with your emotions. It teaches that you must love yourself more in order to open yourself up to greater universal love. When you don't love yourself enough, you are wounded and the wound will always cry out to be healed.

Rose Quartz heals emotional wounds by giving compassion and comfort. It can be used to help overcome grief.

Rose quartz Photo: Anton Maksimov / Unsplash

It helps those who have suffered the trauma and pain of an unhappy childhood. If this is the case for you, start by forgiving yourself and others. Be gentle with yourself and others; we all suffered wounds. From forgiveness can come the path to true healing.

Put it under your pillow, if pain due to a difficult past problem appears in a dream, you can better cope with it in this way, because with its help you are ready to release the pain.

Gemini: Agate

Agate is the protector of the whole body and the auric field. It helps you focus on growth and healing. It attracts strength and vitality and has the ability to help bring the body into balance. Agate's special property is to mix and balance energies for strength, protection and organizational properties, causing a stabilizing effect.

It gives you the strength to keep going even when you feel weak or tired. It offers protection against bad dreams and protects against stress and worries. Agate can also be used for emotional healing, especially to release bitterness and resentment. It is believed to be a stone of harmony and therefore can help alleviate feelings of envy.

Agate Photo: Amber Lamoreaux / Pexels

Agate also enhances creativity and stimulates the intellect. Wear it when you have to make an important decision.

Cancer: Carnelian

Carnelian is based on energy and helps you pay attention to the present moment. It teaches how to focus and manifest through personal power. Use it to promote strength and courage. It helps relieve stress and anxiety and improves memory. Use it when time and space obstacles or discouraging news stop you on your way.

This crystal can help you regain the momentum you need to achieve your goals, or help create a new project or transform an existing one. It is believed to prevent depression and help build self-confidence and an optimistic outlook.

Carnelian Photo: Gems / Pixabay

Carnelian promotes energy, physical strength and courage and grounds you on a physical level.
The early Egyptians used carnelian for amulets, believing it protected the wearer from evil and warded off anger and envy.

Leo: Citrine

Citrine helps maintain a positive outlook on life. It removes blockages and fears on all levels and helps in better communication with others. It creates a sense of stability, adds energy and emotional balance, provides a rational approach to things, and grounds you in the here and now.

Citrine energy means that a positive, optimistic attitude will yield a positive result. Use it when you need a lot of confidence and self-esteem. Stress and fatigue, whether emotional or physical, can make life seem bleak and unable to face challenges. Make sure you get enough rest and entertainment. Citrine can help restore your emotional balance.

Citrine Photo: Kawowo / Pixabay

Due to its color, it is said to strengthen the urinary and endocrine systems. Citrine is known to clear toxic impurities from the air and aura. On a supernatural level, it increases willpower, happiness and self-confidence while reducing self-destructive tendencies. It brings luck, often in surprising and very unexpected ways.

Virgo: Jade

This stone has a protective effect, both on a physical and spiritual level. Jade has long been believed to facilitate and strengthen long life. The Chinese traditionally hold jade in high esteem as a protective talisman. Animal amulets were carved to promote healthier, longer lives and to attract the protection of spirits when needed. Jade was also used in rituals to attract wealth.

The energy of jade gives peace, calmness, harmony, serenity and mental clarity and encourages the safe expression of one's true emotions. It has a strong influence on matters of the heart and can help improve relationships.

Jade Photo: Steve Johnson / Unsplash

It is excellent for repairing relationships and bonds that have been lost or broken. It helps to create a harmonious atmosphere and desire for success and abundance without materialism or greed.

Libra: Turquoise

One of the oldest protective stones, turquoise is a sacred stone associated with the energy of the sky due to its color. It brings the energy of heaven to Earth. It is excellent for promoting a sense of self-awareness and the ability to communicate sincerely and from the heart.

It is considered a lucky stone; facilitates the attraction of abundance and prosperity. Its properties include mental relaxation, stress reduction, confidence, attunement and physical well-being, making it one of the most popular healing stones in astrology.

Turquoise Photo: Benjamin Lehman / Unsplash

Use it when you feel the need to call upon your spirit guides because you have reached an important moment in your life or a crossroads. It helps restore your sense of humor so you can enjoy life's gifts and its challenges, because you can't have one without the other. It has the power to recharge the body and mind and balance the imbalance between the right and left brains.

Scorpio: Obsidian

Obsidian acts as a shield against unwanted vibrations and protects you from physical or emotional harm. Native Americans wear this stone to protect them from negative energies or psychic attacks.

It provides emotional stability during times of great stress, in part by preventing the draining of energy from the body. Keeping obsidian around helps to ward off negative thought patterns and can also be used to clear space. Use it when you feel that the old must completely leave before the new can enter into life. Keep it with you if you are blocked by obsession and negative thoughts and actions.

Obsidian Photo: Hans / Pixabay

Don't give in to the urge to think and act negatively, even when others do. This is difficult, but the most powerful learning. Negativity comes back to haunt you in unpleasant ways. Obsidian can help you deal with negativity and keep you focused during unstable times. Don't resist change.

Sagittarius: Amethyst

The purple color of amethyst gives peace. Meditate. Take a few moments to breathe calmly and focus on your breathing. Let all thoughts go away like clouds. Be aware of the natural fear of not being in control or not knowing exactly what to do on your journey. Amethyst can help you believe in yourself and help ease the pain and sadness of loss or defeat.

Amethyst Photo: Ilze Lucero / Unsplash

According to folklore, this stone has a calming and relaxing effect. Holistic healers sometimes use amethyst to relieve toothaches and bruises, and to help with insomnia. As an amulet, it can be worn as a protective talisman against jealousy, envy and deception.

Capricorn: Amber

Amber absorbs negative energy, helps ground the earth plane and protects the sensitive person. It helps distribute vitality into the aura. Wear it to calm your nerves. Technically, it is not a crystal, but an organic compound. Many ancient traditions associate amber with the universal life force because, in essence, actual life is trapped within it.

Amber Photo: Jurgitamakita / Pixabay

Amber removes obstacles that you create for yourself in any goals that you are trying to create and achieve. It improves constructive behavior by promoting self-confidence. It can attract new friendships and help focus your intentions for manifestation and help you achieve your goals.

Aquarius: Lapis

Lapis is a stone that helps with peaceful sleep and psychic dreams. Sleeping with this gemstone can help you see the meaning of your dreams more clearly as it allows you to interpret and understand the messages or information your subconscious is giving you.

Use it to help you succeed in business. It helps you express your deeply held beliefs and put them into practice in the outside world. It helps shy and introverted people to express their true selves more easily and to release energy that would otherwise be wasted in the wrong way. Lapis helps to release old, buried emotions, thus helping to eliminate depression.

Lapis Photo: Rioreason / Pixabay

Use it when you need a higher view of the situation. When blocked channels are cleared by lapis, expect the energies to be a bit chaotic at first before settling down.

Pisces: Opal

This crystal can bring you enlightenment, integrity or even the fire of romance. It improves emotions and strengthens personal qualities. Opal can help you with almost all aspects of life, such as joy, love or success.

It magnetizes opportunities to make things happen in exciting new ways. Use it to invoke good fortune, and stimulate your awareness of prosperity and new ideas. It encourages you to amplify your emotions.

Opal Photo: Varga / Pixabay

Opal clears your thoughts and feelings and stimulates all intuitive abilities. In ancient times, opal was a very powerful healing stone, as it opens the senses of the third eye.

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