
Horoscope: Why is it so hard for you to love each other?

Photo: envato

Don't hide behind the walls of your soul. Look at yourself. You are the only person you have to love. You are the person to forgive and love - unconditionally!

We all need to get to know each other outside the framework set by society, understand and accept your flaws and see your values. To learn to be who we are - and to love it.

Here are the things that hinder astrological signs from liking you!


Most people would find it strange to know that you have ever doubted yourself and lacked confidence, as you are usually full of energy and know what you want. You are constantly comparing yourself to others. Your competitive spirit observes everyone around you and compares them to your own achievements. Always to your detriment, of course.


No matter how hard it is for others, you will always find something they are better at than you. Appreciate your achievements and don't compare yourself to others!


You feel that you can only love each other when everything is safe and stable - and that rarely happens. You like to make everyone around you happy. Because of this, you don't see that sometimes you overdo it by controlling everything around you, and that others resist your efforts. You have a hard time accepting that you are not always right and that sometimes you have to give in and step back. Stop it, you're still ok!



You think you must have all the answers, and because that is far from possible, you are often disappointed. Always focus on what you don't know, can't, and don't have. You will never find all the answers and solve all the problems so that you can relax, rest and enjoy peace of mind and complacency. Accept it and focus on what you can do.


You need a constant flow of love from others - partner, friends, family - if you don't feel the flow of their love, support and attention, you become desperate and wonder what is wrong with you. Your biggest challenge is to channel the energy you channel into relationships into yourself. Build a relationship with yourself and nurture it just as you nurture all your emotional relationships with others.



You need constant validation that you're awesome, smart, witty, and loved by everyone. You are the center of your world, but the world does not only revolve around you (everyone is the center of their own world). No one has to love you. They don't even have to like you. You can't force those who don't like you to love you. Develop for yourself, and not for the approval and submission of others.

A virgin

One word – perfectionism. You analyze, develop and hypothesize. It's a commendable ability, but you shouldn't use it against yourself. Your standards are so high that you often fall short of them. You are always looking for faults in yourself, what you did not achieve, what you failed. You have to realize that you are great even though you are not perfect.



You don't know how to defend yourself when needed. You prefer to withdraw rather than engage in any conflict. The most important thing for you is to keep calm. You don't know how to set boundaries. You always assume that what someone is telling you might be true and take a long time to think about it.


Many consider you an irresistibly attractive and interesting person. But many times you go after those who do not show you love. This puts you in a situation where you build walls around yourself to protect your vulnerability. Remove toxic people from your life and instead connect with people who support and appreciate you, so it will be easier to love yourself.


You are never satisfied because you are constantly chasing something, success, a new goal, the next adventure. Time flies, you rarely stop because you are too busy chasing what you don't have, what you haven't conquered or tried. It's like you don't have a place of your own where you feel complete and peaceful - and that place is nowhere outside of you, but in your soul. You have to face yourself and ask yourself if you are running from yourself. Learn to enjoy yourself without extra excitement and challenges, and you'll love yourself more.


You expect too much of yourself and your standards are very high. You constantly strive for the next step, work hard and never relax - which is admirable but exhausting. People often tell you to rest and relax, to not take things so seriously, to not be so hard on yourself. You must understand that it is not all about success and status. Learn to relax a little - it's especially important to love yourself when you're not feeling well.



Being different usually gives you a sense of superiority and self-confidence, but it can also be a double-edged sword. You are unhappy because no one really knows or understands you and you wonder what is wrong with you. It's not easy to love you, so you don't know how to love yourself either.


You try to take on more responsibility than you can handle. Your empathy has no limits, you can listen and understand anyone, you want to understand their struggles, fears, longings. And that's a wonderful feature until it puts too much of a burden on you to bear. Other people's problems are not yours, and you cannot do for others what they must do for themselves. Once you learn to set boundaries, you will be much happier.

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