
How to restore your relationship with your partner if you spend too much time together?

Photo: envato

For almost two years now, the corona virus has been "forcing" us to spend a lot of time with our partners, indoors, stuck in a routine. Lack of your own space and not enough time for yourself can be stressful for many people. That's why the time you spend alone is essential for a good relationship.

How to restore a relationship with a partner with whom you spend too much time?

Don't neglect your family and friends

A partnership provides a sense of comfort. However, it can cause many attitudes unconsciously ignore. If you withdraw from your friends, society and family in a relationship, it can lead to dependence on your partner. You become afraid, you don't want to be alone, you face negative thoughts. If you are in a partnership, you should both be aware of your own goals, dreams and freedom and put yourself first.

Instead of assuming, ask

Many times you may have a wrong idea about what you want from each other. That's why communication and expressing your wishes is extremely important, as it avoids unnecessary discussions and bad feelings.

Try to understand the reason for your boredom

The feeling of boredom is sometimes subtle and harder to recognize than the feeling of anger. If you are bored in a partnership, the first thing you need to do is ask yourself whether it's a routine or real boredom. You and your partner think about common interests, do something romantic for each other, take time out and go on vacation together.


Find a balance

In any partnership, it is important that you have enough time for each other, as well as time for own freedom. You need to find a balance between what you can do with your partner and what activities you can do alone and with your friends.

Solve bad situations with humor

If you are a fun person and you are with your friends and family relaxed, it is important that you know this keep with your partner as well. A good mood and a positive attitude play an important role in a relationship, as it brings a good mood into it. Instead of TV and phone, play board games, or spice up your daily routine with a word joke.


Consider individual or group therapy

It doesn't have to be group or individual therapy the last option, but if you're constantly sad, irritable, and overwhelmed in your relationship, it might be time to consider joint therapy. In such meetings, you can rediscover common emotional support, and your communication will also improve.

Invest in yourself

It is also necessary in a partnership invest in yourself, to be able to recognize one's own thoughts and feelings, and distinguish them from others. It is a process of not losing connection with yourself in a relationship, but at the same time you have to maintain connection even if the views differ from yours. If you lose touch with yourself, it leads to problems and causes inner turmoil.


Focus on the positives

In a relationship, you can quickly become focused on things that your partner doesn't do well, and it's hard to get rid of that feeling. If you want to change this negative view, you need to work together different perspectives. This will help you not to cling to negative thoughts. It is recommended that you change body language, as it is associated with uncertainty and lack of self-confidence. With yours communicate with partners and tell him your own feelings or write down your feelings. If problems arise in the relationship, accept them as a challenge. Namely, intimacy in relationships requires dialogue, vulnerability and reciprocity.

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