
Horoscope: Why These Astrological Signs Are Afraid To Be Happy

They have a special relationship with happiness.

Photo: Marcelo Matarazzo / Unsplash

They are constantly longing for something they don't have. They feel that they are missing something, that it could be better, different... These zodiac signs have an incorrect attitude towards happiness. They are afraid to be happy!

In a way, they are afraid of being happy. Even if they have everything they wanted and everyone they wanted is in their life, they feel like something is missing. They feel empty inside, because of this they cannot enjoy anything for long.

1. Sagittarius

If they don't have a constant stream of new things to grab their attention, they feel dissatisfied and constantly complain about everything. Little moments of happiness don't mean much to them.

They need something unexpected, big or unknown to catch their interest. When they do not have the necessary stimulation, they will become bored, frustrated and dissatisfied. They are rarely satisfied with the status quo.

2. Capricorn

Much of their discontent stems from dissatisfaction with his financial situation. They never feel like they have enough money to save and sometimes not even for their daily needs.

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They are always working and saving. They try to do everything to achieve a good financial picture, but the problem is that no matter how good it is, it is never good enough for them. They never even consider slowing down and appreciating what they already have.

3. Aries

Aries are hard to please because they are always looking for something new, more excitement, a bigger and harder challenge or a trial that is impossible to solve. They don't want to live in the moment and even past achievements don't give them enough satisfaction.

They always dream of being somewhere else or doing something else. What they currently have is never enough for them.

4. Twins

Geminis have moments of genuine happiness, but they don't allow themselves to enjoy something good for too long. They need a constant flow of new ideas, new people and life changes to feel alive. If they slow down or allow themselves to get comfortable with the life circumstances they are in, they run the risk of becoming complacent. If they don't initiate change or learn new things, they will feel trapped and unsatisfied.

5. Aquarius

Aquarius has not been satisfied with anything for a long time. Once they reach a goal, they will quickly set a new one. Members of this sign are known for the fact that if they are not constantly working on some kind of improvement or innovation, they get bored and have very little energy.

When they are satisfied, they will not take risks and set themselves new challenges, which is partially true, because they do not allow themselves to stay in this state for too long.

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