
Horoscope: Why can't you forget your ex-partner?

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Can't live without them? Are you lonely? Do you still love them? Do you assume that they are sorry and will return back to your embrace?

When a relationship ends, sometimes it's hard to get exes out of your brain and mind. The more you try not to think about them, the more you think about them. This vicious cycle of thoughts is hard to break!

Let's see why they are still somewhere in your mind, according to your astrological sign.

Aries: You have progressed too quickly

It will seem like you don't care about your ex as you will quickly jump into a new relationship. But inside you will fight with your emotions and cry over the breakup. To forget about him, you will feel the need to immerse yourself in something completely new, but you will still think about them all the time.

Taurus: You don't know how to live without them

It's hard to let go. Although you are stubborn and not afraid to say what you want, you are also a devoted partner. When a relationship ends, it's hard for you to move on because you just want things to be the way they were. You want your partner to be with you.


Gemini: You're not sure if you've made the right decision

To people who don't know you, you sometimes seem impulsive. You don't think too much. But make the decision because you need a change or want to move forward in the relationship, even if it means ending the relationship. There are moments when you look back and wonder if you really made the right decision or acted too quickly.

Cancer: You still think you can love them no matter what

You may know deep down that the relationship needs to end, but that doesn't mean your feelings did. Even if a breakup was imminent and the best way to be happy again, there's a part of you that still believes that you could still love them regardless of the problem, and you wish you could work it out somehow.

Leo: You have become more attached to your partner than you planned

Although you are very independent, this does not mean that you do not love passionately and intensely. Dive deep into your relationships and even if the breakup was painful, you're still attached to that person. Your pride usually prevents you from going back, but it takes a long time to move on.


Virgo: You still think you could fix the relationship

You have limits on what you're willing to put up with, but that doesn't mean you immediately pursue the relationship elsewhere. You are often the person who can find solutions to even the most complex problems. Even though you may know that the best choice was to end the relationship, a part of you still thinks that if you tried a little harder, you could have made it work.

Libra: You miss having them around

Even though you don't seem to be thinking about them, you miss them by your side. You miss the everyday things, the connection you had and the comfort you felt and enjoyed in life. Even though you could find any other person for it, you miss them because only your ex really knew you.

Scorpio: You don't want to move on

Whether the relationship ended on good terms or not, you are still not ready to continue the relationship, you feel like you can wait a little longer. You're also checking to see if your ex has moved on, and when it seems like he's found another person, that thought takes up a lot of space in your head.


Sagittarius: You think about them all the time

Although no one believes that they will ever get back with their ex, it does not mean that you simply forget them. When you love someone, you also have them for common interests, explorations and thinking about things. When you find such a person, share all kinds of things with them. When a relationship ends, you often think of them, everything reminds you of them.

Capricorn: They seem to be doing better without you

Relationships aren't a competition, but sometimes it feels like one. You already hate having to start over, but if you think your ex is better off without you, you're questioning a lot. Were you really the problem and could you have done anything to improve the situation. You think you have to prove that you're better off without them and how you can beat someone if you still like them.


Aquarius: They understood you in ways that no one else did

You may feel happier being alone, but you also know how important it is to be understood. Maybe in the past you didn't always appreciate the person wanting to get close to you and understand you, but now that the relationship is over, you miss them. It seems to you that they understood you like no one before.

Pisces: You idealize them and only remember the best parts

You may know that the relationship was bad and unproductive, but you only focus on the best in people. You can't help but remember the wonderful times you had with them, especially when you're at a low point in life. You want to go back to those wonderful moments again. You can't help but dwell on the fantasy. You want them back.

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