
Close-ups of hot kisses

Hot kissing

Close-ups of passionate kisses are the work of American photographer Nastia Cloutier-Ignatiev. When a man is head over heels in love, he lives in an invisible bubble. Passionate, hot kissing in a public place is living proof that the couple sees nothing but themselves around them. Such authentic moments were captured by the photographer from Montreal in her facility and packaged in the Love photo series.

Close-ups of hot kisses fashion photographers Nastie Cloutier-Ignatiev they belong to real couples who are either her friends or she found her muses on Instagram.

READ MORE: 10 different kissing styles or kisses that women don't like

Hot kisses have a very positive effect on all parts of our body.
Hot kisses have a very positive effect on all parts of our body.

"When their lips touch, I disappear for a moment," Nastia explains, though her lens is quite close, but not too close to penetrate invisible bubble. With the project Love pays tribute to love in all its diversity. The photos were created for C-Heads Magazine and are her third project in the series Close-Ups Project.

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