
44 ways to be more productive

7 ways to be more productive

How to be more productive? Productivity means creating results and achieving goals with optimal use of resources - productively spending your time, knowledge and money to add value to all activities. An individual must be productive in order to achieve self-esteem, excellence in his work, stay in his job or secure a new one. Following the proposal of Microsoft Training, we present you 7 ways to be more productive.

44 ways to be more productive:

1. Get up earlier

It is known that morning people are more proactive, get better grades in school and have better job prospects than those who oversleep in the morning. Go gradually to the desired result. Set your alarm clock every day 5 minutes earlier than the previous day. As soon as you get up, open the curtains, natural light will help you wake up.

2. Establish a morning routine

Establishing a morning routine helps your brain know it's time to work. You can help yourself with fifteen minutes of exercise or ten minutes of meditation. Prepare a breakfast that should be rich in vegetables, fruit and protein. Drink a glass of lukewarm water every morning as soon as you get up. This will increase your daily productivity by 14 %. It is also a good way to train your brain by writing for ten minutes before going to work. To start, try writing a dream journal.

3. Make the most of your time on the way to work

Listen podcast, to relax and learn something new at the same time, read the most current articles and latest posts from your favorite online sources, set daily goals (it can help you elegantly coach.me) or prepare for a presentation. Walk, bike or run to work if possible.

4. Prepare for the “action” by spending 80 % planning time and 20 % working time

Start working at the same time every day. Don't check your email every full hour. Make a to-do list and rank them in order of importance. Make sure your tasks are doable and have deadlines.

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5. Do the tasks!

Tackle the more difficult tasks first. Set time limits for each. Work in 90-minute intervals to get the job done at your best. Don't forget to take breaks! Never multitask; when you finish one, start another. Pay attention to all the floating and rushing thoughts and ideas in your head. Write them down.

6. Do you feel unproductive after the midday meal?

Most suffer from an afternoon energy slump. You know when you have a great meal for lunch, but then you just don't feel like going to work? We suggest you avoid heavy snacks and lunches that leave you feeling tired. Stand up or sit up straight to keep energy levels high. Now prioritize easier work tasks. The time after lunch is the best time to generate ideas.

7. A quality night's sleep should find a place on everyone's agenda

The quality of sleep is very important for daily productivity. Before resting, you must create an intersection between work and sleep. Prepare a to-do list for the next day and relax your tired body and mind with a 20-minute yoga session. Then "good night".

Pick at least one tip to improve your own productivity and follow it. Small changes in the way you work can have big end results.

See how to be productive in the infographic below:

7 ways to be more productive
7 ways to be more productive

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