
Hotel Izvir Manzato

Just a few meters from the spa park in Rogaška Slatina, the first vegetarian hotel in Slovenia - Izvir Manzato - was opened two months ago. The food offering at this hotel is very specialized. We will only get meatless meals on the table, of course with an appropriate protein composition. The vegetarian way of eating is in...

Basic information
Hotel Izvir Manzato
Partizanska 5
Rogaška Slatina
every day from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. (lunch from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.; dinner from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.)
(03) 581 61 40

Just a few meters from the spa park in Rogaška Slatina, the first vegetarian hotel in Slovenia - Izvir Manzato - was opened two months ago. The food offering at this hotel is very specialized. We will only get meatless meals on the table, of course with an appropriate protein composition. The hotel takes the vegetarian way of eating completely seriously, so they try to offer a varied vegetarian diet based on their many years of experience, partly also from organic products from Kozjan farms. It is interesting to note that meat dishes have not yet been prepared in the hotel kitchen, as the previous tenant also only served meatless breakfasts. Janko, the hotel manager, explains that all meals are buffet style. They also strictly adhere to the principle that breakfast and lunch are quite plentiful, while dinner is more modest. They usually offer stew, salad and dessert for it. Despite the fact that the menus are basically intended for hotel guests, outside guests can also stop by for lunch or dinner. If we look at one of the menus to get a better feel: sweet potato cream soup to start, followed by chickpea steaks with rice and stewed vegetables with mushrooms and a salad from the salad buffet. Those unfamiliar with vegetarian food may be a bit surprised by the different flavors than you are used to, but the food is good. Finally, dessert is served, e.g. rice balls rolled in coconut, which for most is the best part of the meal. The price of lunch for external guests is 5 euros, the price of dinner is one euro lower.


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