
Hotel Palace in Portorož is celebrating 110 years

Kempinski Palace Portorož hotel

The historic Hotel Palace, today Kempinski Palace Portorož, proudly presents its jubilee: August 20 marks 110 years since the hotel first opened its doors to its guests and began an unforgettable story of luxury and eminent guests, with the help of which Portorož became a fashionable destination.

Palace Hotel was one of the most beautiful and largest hotels on the Adriatic when it opened at the beginning of the 20th century. For many years it was one of the most elite hotels on the Adriatic coast and was the originator of Portorož tourism as we know it today. Within the framework of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Portorož was one of the most important European seaside resorts and spas, and was named "Austrian Riviera"; the city where aristocrats, artists, members of the royal family vacationed, or monarchies and politicians.

The Palace Hotel used to be:

Upon its opening August 20, 1910 Hotel Palace was the best in everything: it was open all year round, it had 300 rooms with rich furnishings and bathrooms, luxurious halls for dining and socializing (ladies' lounge, Crystal Hall, small lounge), bars, representative entrance area of the reception and garage. The hotel was designed by an Austrian architect with Italian roots. Johannes (Giovanni) Eustacchio, whose idea was the creation of an architecturally extremely rich palace in which different styles intertwine with elements of Viennese Art Nouveau. This architectural piece still adorns the hotel today and has been carefully preserved, and parts of the hotel have been declared a cultural monument (exterior and facade) and a natural monument (park).

Kempinski Palace Portorož today is a hotel whose walls are full of stories, history and interesting information. The individual just has to calm down and listen. To mention just a few: during the two wars, the hotel was used by the German and Yugoslav armies, it was the location of the country's first casino (1964-1972), it was a popular location for Italian film directors, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand he danced in the Crystal Hall, and the Palace Hotel was also among his favorite hotels Josip Broz – Tito, the famous spy Cicero used to stay in a hotel, but at the same time it has always been, and still is, a popular hotel among entertainers. To mention just one: Sophia Loren, after whom the hotel's evening gourmet restaurant is named.

Kempinski Palace Portorož hotel today:

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