
Hoverboard 2.0: Hoverboard and Segway in one

Hoverboard 2.0

Hoverboards and Segways are urban electric transporters that can make exploring city centers much easier. Both require some skill, but once you get the hang of them, you'll be racing around town for joy. Since sometimes one comes in handy and on other occasions the other, we now have a solution for this as well. Hoverboard 2.0 combines both devices in one.

Hoverboard 2.0 offering a minimal design with refined details, it strives to conjure up the ultimate experience of getting around the city. The base is represented by the main unit, on which we are standing and we use it just like Hoverboard electric transporters. Extendable mechanism for maneuvering, it rises from the central part of the device and thus turns the Hoverboard into a type Segways. In this mode, managing it is much simpler.

Nikhil Kapoor, Pragya Charu Manihar and Ujwal IK are responsible for the design of the Hoverboard 2.0. They imagined the electric 'board' with a third wheel that increases stability and makes it easier to manage the device. Two transparent screen they show us the battery information, and RGB LED lights are placed around the wheels. These communicate our intentions and theirs to other road users around us warn to our presence.

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