
Hoverglide: the world's first 'hovering' backpack

Although a backpack is a very practical accessory, as we can put a lot of things in it, it undoubtedly hinders us when walking and running. This problem will become a thing of the past with an innovation that will hit the market in the near future.

Hoverglide boasts the title the world's first 'floating backpack'. When making the backpack, the manufacturers used the technology "suspended load”, which minimizes the pressure on the user's back, neck, knees and ankles when walking or running.

Thanks to the unique design of the company's new product Lightning Packs you will significantly reduce the possibility of injuries during the trip. The backpack is otherwise attached to special rails that allow it to slowly slides up and down as you move.

Buyers will be able to choose between 4 versions of the backpack with a volume between 28 and 55 liters.

Hoverglide will make your trip easier.
Hoverglide will make your trip easier.

Hoverglide will soon start looking for financial support on Kickstarter, because, as they write on their website, this is the best innovation in the field of backpacks in the last 40 years.

Is this really the best backpack innovation in 40 years?
Is this really the best backpack innovation in 40 years?

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