
How and when you achieve sexual freedom: these are the years when you will be most satisfied

Photo: Marcus Santos/Unsplash

If you think that the best time to enjoy sex is in your twenties, you are very wrong. Age is nothing but a number, especially when it comes to truly satisfying sex.

One of the most ingrained prejudices is that the amount of sexuality or interest in it declines with age and that what happens between the sheets (or anywhere) is reserved only for young people with perfect bodies.

Your age does not determine the quality of your sex life. In fact, great sex is related to many different variables. Research shows that there is a time when people feel most satisfied with their sex life.

According to the research the best sex doesn't belong to millennials, but to their parents.

Sexuality improves when you realize that your attractiveness is not based on your physical appearance.

In their twenties and thirties, both men and women have self-esteem issues. They think about why they can't enjoy sex, how their bodies look, and what their partners are thinking.

Over the years, the body loses its flexibility, the skin is no longer as taut as it used to be. Sexuality itself, however, can be fraught with new challenges: women struggle with pain or dryness caused by menopause. Older men, however, have problems with premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

But, regardless, they are much more confident. They know that looks aren't everything.

Photo: Craventure Media / Unsplash

Why sex is best in fifties ?

You may have thought that in your fifties you are no longer attractive for intimacy, but believe it or not, sex is at its best at this age! There are many reasons for this and we present you only a few of them.


Children have grown up and become independent, which creates an opportunity for spontaneity and unrestrainedness. This age "playfulness" is especially suitable for couples who have been married for many years.

No pressure

When you are younger, you put more emphasis on the physical work during intercourse, which created a certain psychological pressure. As you get older, you realize that longer sexual relations do not necessarily guarantee greater pleasure.

No worries

Many relationships fail because one partner does not want a child. Most often these are men. After the age of 50, things are clearer and these dilemmas are gone. Partners can enjoy sex and experiment without pressure.

You climax more easily

Some women have an easier time climaxing after 50. The reason for this is that the experience gained has caused people to become more selective in their choice of partners. Women are more relaxed and aware of their bodies. When people are younger, they often enter into sexual relations with a partner they do not know well. With age and experience, they postpone the act until they know more about their partner's personality.

More time

After fifty, men are no longer in a hurry to build a career. They have more time for hobbies. They are more relaxed, of course also in sexual activities.


Mature people are more honest and open in conversation, which improves sexual pleasure.

Love can happen at any time, even in mature years. Love yourself, live fully and don't be afraid of erotic feelings and experiences.

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