
How do authentic Slovenian swear words sound in a literal English translation?

How do authentic Slovenian swear words sound in a literal English translation?

Which genuine Slovenian swear words in a literal English translation do you know?

The funniest genuine ones Slovenian swear words in literal English translation they are even funnier than the original! The Slovenian language is full of original swear words that are slowly disappearing from our vocabulary and memory.

The funniest authentic Slovenian swear words!
The funniest authentic Slovenian swear words!

If you want to discover the origin of Slovenian swear words, we recommend this book Curses and expletives Bernard Nežmah (you can find a sample of the content here), until you get your hands on the book, read the list below!

Authentic Slovenian swear words in literal English translation:

  • The road is white - The road is white
  • Three hundred hairy bears - Three hundred hairy bears
  • Christened Matthias – Baptised Matthias
  • Sticks behind the chicken house - Sticks behind the chicken house
  • May the chicken kick you - May the chicken kick you
  • Christove gata - Jesus Christ´s underwear
  • Mat kurja – Chicken's mother
  • Even your dog doesn´t like you
  • May your kale rot - May your kale rot
  • Bloody planks
  • Darn housefly - Darn housefly
  • God's fat - God's fat
  • Get yourself salted
  • Drive away - Drive away
  • Three hundred devils - Three hundred devils
  • Run/Crash into something
  • The letter - The letter
  • Rude cattle
  • Pr' mej duš - In my soul

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