
The Bunyadi – the first "nudist" restaurant that invites naked guests

The Bunyadi restaurant

The Bunyadi is the first nudist or a naked restaurant opening its doors in London. She will invite naked guests. And if you thought it would be single, you're right, because the waiting list is as long as the line for a new iPhone months before it opens! The restaurant grew on the grass of the creative group Lollipop, which already curved the bar after the example of the cult TV series Breaking Bad, ABQ.

A nudist-oriented restaurant The Bunyadi (it's a Hindu term meaning base or natural) will be the first naked restaurant in london. He opens his door June 2016. Otherwise, it will not be open permanently, as it is a pop-up restaurant (it will be open for three months). Queue is already "kilometer-long" (at the very beginning as many as 12 thousand Londoners announced).

Would you dare to eat naked?
Would you dare to eat naked?

Nudity otherwise it is not prescribed, i.e. a condition, but anyone who wants to dine in Eva's costume will be allowed to do so. It will be a restaurant separated into clothed and naked part, for which they will also be available wardrobes, where guests will be able to undress and where theirs will be property safe. You will have to take care of that other property yourself during your visit and be careful not to spill any hot soup on yourself.

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Naked guests will be able to eat away from prying eyes.
Naked guests will be able to eat away from prying eyes.

In The Bunyadi restaurant they will only use natural ingredients and served primary dishes (e.g. meat roasted over an open fire and served on handmade pottery). "Freed from telephones, electric lighting and even clothes (optional), visit the beginning of creation, a time when everything was still fresh, free and not saturated with the trappings of modern life," we read on their website.

The Bunyadi bets on nature and originality, so don't expect soft leather seats.
The Bunyadi bets on nature and originality, so don't expect soft leather seats.

Founder Seb Lyall and adds: "We think that people should get the opportunity to enjoy and experience the evening without any impurities – no chemicals, no artificial dyes, no electricity, no gas (well, except for the human one, p.p.), no phone and even no clothes if they want it.” And now they will get it.

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