
How do clothes colors affect your mood?

Photo: Envato

What color clothes do you wear? Blue slows the heart rate and is ideal for a relaxed feeling, while red increases self-confidence and shows courage. The colors you surround yourself with will affect your mood.

Clothing colors affect our mood more than we think. If we are aware of this, we can take care of our own better well-being already in the morning by choosing the right colors. With this, we support ourselves either during important events or simply fill ourselves with the right energy to overcome everyday obstacles more easily.

So, don't wear something just because that color might go well with your hair or eyes, but be aware of how it will affect your mood.

Many people unconsciously choose colors based on how they feel at that moment.

Let's see how any color of clothing affects you.


Red clothes increase self-confidence and contribute to standing out in the crowd. It shows courage and makes it easier to make decisions. In the vast majority of the world, this color carries an aura of dangerous passions and sexuality. For example, in India it is the color of the dress worn by the bride at the wedding. The effect of red is softened by white or beige.

You exude confidence! Photo: Adrian Rra / Unsplash


This sunny and positive color helps you get close to people, even those you might call arrogant or quite shy. If you decide on a yellow combination, be careful not to overdo it with yellow. One detail is enough, for example, a shirt, skirt, shoes, bag, scarf, but not all in the same color.


It is the complete opposite of red. It slows the heart rate and lowers blood pressure and is ideal for a relaxed feeling. Also, this color creates a positive first impression on other people and is ideal for, say, a job interview or hanging out with someone you like. If the shade of blue is too dark, you can soften it with light colors.

Green clothes are calming. Photo: Tengyart / Unsplash


This color soothes and refreshes. So if you want to feel that way, wear something green. It has many shades, so it is suitable for everyone, so everyone can find a shade that suits them. The addition of neutral colors will emphasize the green. Clothing of neutral colors with the addition of, say, a green necklace will also have a good effect on the mood.


It is perfect for creating the impression of an experienced and confident man. Like blue, it is an excellent choice for a positive first impression. It encourages the creation of a sense of spirituality, somehow elevates you above everyday, earthly things. It gives a dose of seriousness and maturity to a young face. The purple color complements perfectly with pastel shades.


It's a color that suits almost everyone and is known for creating a slimmer visual effect and contributing to a more elegant look. On the other hand, black leaves an impression of sadness and thus can affect the mood of the wearer. If you want to look more elegant and less sad, combine it with details of bright colors.

There is nothing better than the elegant black color! Photo: Andrey Zvyagintsev / Unsplash


This color is a combination of the characteristics of yellow and red. It is an excellent stimulator for various activities, as well as for awakening creativity. It looks great in combination with cool and neutral colors.

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