
How many calories do you burn during sex? We have the exact number for you!

You've probably heard claims that jumping between the sheets can replace some kind of sports activity such as running, cycling or going to the gym for weight loss. This is news that everyone would be happy to hear. Well, the reality is a little different. If you were thinking of exchanging a visit to the gym for making love with your partner, think again.

How many calories do we actually burn during sex? Research shows that many factors influence the number, but we can say with certainty that it cannot be compared to sports activities.

Sex cannot replace sports activities.
Sex cannot replace sports activities.

What do the numbers say?

When it comes to physical activities, surely everyone could agree that sex is one of the most fun. Especially if we are active every day or even several times a day, which can almost be considered real physical exercise, right? Well, let's wait for the numbers.

Data research from 2013 show that, on average, men they burn around 100 calories in 25 minutes of sex, and women only 69. If we compare this with 30 minutes of moderate jogging, when women burn around 213 calories and men 276, we see that we are doing poorly.

Another one research from 2013 notes that men between 6 minutes of sex, which is the average length of intercourse, they only spend 21 calories, but the research was not done for women. What does that mean? If we want to lose weight, it is probably not best to completely exclude all other physical activities.

Why do men burn more calories?

Researcher Anthony Karelis thinks it can women multiply the minutes of sex by a number of 3.1 and so they get an approximate number of calories burned during intercourse. Men generally consume more calories than women. Why? Karelis explains that they are men are mostly heavier than women, i.e. she burns more calories for similar activity than women. They are also during sex men are often more active.

Men burn more calories during sex than women.
Men burn more calories during sex than women.

Want to increase the numbers?

If you are not satisfied with the above calorie consumption, there are ways to increase the numbers. Sexologist Jaiya Kinzbach says it can only by moaning during sex these increase by 18 to 30 calories. They also have a big impact on calories burned movements and poses, in which you are. You burn a lot more calories if you are above and you do more work than a partner.

Nevertheless, do not count sex as part of your daily exercise and weight loss routine. It is true that it has many other positive health effects such as better mood, youthfulness and better overall health. It also fills the brain with serotonin, the happy hormone that helps you easier to fall asleep. So the best combination would be to jump into the gym and then between the sheets.

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