
How many hours per week does Donald Trump devote to work?

Donald Trump, the President of the United States of America, has a very responsible job. Have you ever wondered how much time she actually spends on it? You probably won't be surprised if we tell you that significantly less than its predecessors.

Documents obtained by the magazine Politics, reveal how it actually works the president's work week. The researchers studied the period from Monday, October 22, to Friday, October 26, 2018.

It is clear from the documents that his working day should never start before 11.30. It should be noticeable in the documents a large number of breaks, among which he can do whatever he wants. On Tuesday, the president spent just 9 hours, while during the rest of the rest days he took a total of up to 2 hours and 45 minutes. In other words, it means that it should be his the average working day thus lasted only 3 hours.

His average working day should thus last only 3 hours.
His average working day should thus last only 3 hours.

At the same time, it should be noted that the record did not take more into account telephone conversationstunnel, which Trump has done with foreign leaders, and unannounced meetings. This is certainly not unusual, as it must be like the president of a world superpower always reachable.

The analysis focused on one of the few weeks in which Trump did not spend at least one day on golf course. During his presidency, he 149 from total 647 dedicated days to this sport. It is interesting that Trump often criticized the former president precisely because he devotes himself too much to golf Obama. The latter spent twice as much time on the field as the former, namely 333 from 2920 days of the presidency.

He is said to spend a lot of time playing golf.
He is said to spend a lot of time playing golf.

Do you think that Trump should devote more time to work? We can honestly admit, that most of us would benefit from the benefits of such a job.

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