
How a mother turned a child's scribbles on the wall into art

Children are an indicator of our 'health', a litmus test of healthy relationships in the family. And we are not defined so much by how we react when the child is being diligent, but when something slips up on us. Whether he jumps in puddles, dips his fingers in the toilet bowl or draws on anything other than a sheet of paper. One mother was recently put to the test because her child scratched her wall. And her reaction? Check below.

Children they are our greatest asset. Parents are their first model, but what most overlook is that they imitate theirs behaviors and actions and not so many words. So when life gives you lemons, make yourself some lemonade or ask for some salt and tequila, just like mom, which she was expecting scribble on the wall and she turned it into a beautiful one artwork.

READ MORE: Multifunctional table and chair for children

You don't always have to read to your child a levite, when he does something wrong that you are good parent. Because being a good parent is art, which requires different approaches if you want to end up with a masterpiece.


A child's masterpiece.
A child's masterpiece.


A child's masterpiece with a mother's touch.
A child's masterpiece with a mother's touch.

See also a series of children's drawings, enhanced by an adult hand

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