
How much overtime do you work if you skip lunch at work?

Are you predisposed? Do you work non-stop? Do you take full advantage of your lunch time or do you rush back to work early because you have to finish this and that?

In Great Britain they came to research results, how long workers work even during lunch. On average, workers are entitled to 60-minute lunch break, but they finish it after just under 30 minutes, to be exact after 26 minutes and 28 seconds.

How much overtime do you work when you skip lunch at work?
How much overtime do you work when you skip lunch at work?

So what happens to the remaining 34 minutes and 32 seconds? Within a year are accumulated in 19 unpaid working days. And worst of all, these are average data. Many office workers eat their lunch at their desks in just 20 minutes.
So let's take time for ourselves, especially if it belongs to us anyway. Good superiors understand that a good employee can only be a healthy and satisfied person.

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