
How much to tip in different countries?

Summer is the time of travel and it is good to know as much as possible about the country we are visiting. And also about people's habits. By doing so, we show respect, expand our horizons and ultimately make our trip safer. In some parts of the world you will have to behave completely differently than in others, in some places you will have to say thank you ten times, in others you will not. But what about tips in bars and restaurants? In our country, it would be difficult to say that it is a tradition or a strong culture, but there are countries where this is practically a necessity.

We have prepared for you a list of countries that have their own unwritten laws regarding tips.


In France, it is customary to leave in a restaurant 5 % from the total amount as gratuity. Drinks are a little different. They usually expect honey 1 euro and 4 euros, depending on the round you ordered.



They expect good ones in the restaurant 10 % to the bill, and a euro or two at the bar, depending on how satisfied you are with the service.



Don't let the high numbers on the price list confuse and scare you, because the Hungarian forint "weighs" much less than the euro. If you leave it around 10 % tips, will be just fine.




Tips range between 5 % and 10 %. The same goes for drinks. However, it is customary to round the amount to a whole number, higher of course.


Although it borders Spain, it does not share tipping habits with its neighbor to the east. Here they stick 10 % and they sometimes include them right on the bill, so it's wise to check before leaving money on the table.



America is perhaps the country with the strongest tradition of tipping, which obviously also affects their amount. It's standard 15 % to 25 % of the entire bill, but if you go to the bar, have a dollar bill ready for every drink they serve you. But the service in the USA is in the vast majority of cases at a high level.

United States of America
United States of America


Unlike the US, they won't expect tips here. If you're happy with the service or the food, you can leave a few extra dollars on the table, and probably no one will look at you if you don't. But still, they won't defend additional ones 10 %.



In most cases, tips are already included in the final bill, but feel free to add more some euro, if you are satisfied with the service.



In more fashionable cities, such as Dubrovnik, you will tip as usual found on the account, so be careful not to pay twice. Well, unless they deserved it.



Tipping in Turkey ranges between 10 % and 15 %. Note their lira currency which is approx 0.2 euros.



If you're heading to Dubai, be prepared to leave some honey behind 10 and 20 dirhams gratuity for the meal. There is no need to calculate the share of the total amount of the bill, as they prefer a certain amount.

United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates

So, now it's time to pack up and hit the road. Otherwise, if you forget, ask the local residents. The word is not a horse!

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