
How often do you clean your earphones?

They can be full of bacteria!

Photo: Daria Litvinova / Unsplash

The popularity of headphones is growing day by day. We wear them when we relax, work, do sports, on the bus, on the plane... Music that goes straight to the ear is actually wonderful and has beneficial effects. But keep in mind that headphones can also be a source of various bacteria that cause ear problems.

Headphones in the ear are a foreigner. Improper use, especially pushing them into the ears too deeply and with too much force, can cause damage to the external auditory canal and accumulation of earwax. If headphones are not washed regularly, they can be a source of various infections.

Inside Edition's analysis found that the headphones contain many fungi and bacteria, even those that cause pneumonia. If you regularly use headphones, you should also pay attention to their hygiene. Therefore, regularly and thoroughly clean both ears and headphones after use. It is also important not to lend them.

Photo: Jocelyn Morales/Unsplash

Clean the headphones regularly. For cleaning, you can use a mixture of distilled water, soap and alcohol, or you can use disinfectant or disinfectant wet wipes. But be careful not to wear headphones soaked too much because too much water can spoil them. Most headphones and earplugs are predominantly made of plastic. The best way to clean these materials is to use them non-aggressive solutions.

Apply a moderate amount of cleaner to a clean cloth, cotton swab and clean the headphones thoroughly inside and out. It is also necessary to remove the silicone caps and thoroughly wash and dry them, as they accumulates the most bacteria.

Regular cleaning of your headphones will not only ensure their aesthetic appearance, but also their better performance, and will also protect you from various bacteria.

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