
How to always win in the game of crosses and circles

Crosses and circles

We all know crosses and circles. In the era before smartphones, we used this timeless game to pass the time, especially at school. It has become insanely popular because you don't need a pen and a sheet of paper for it (or not yet) and because the rules are clear and simple. And it's relatively easy to always win this game as long as you follow the following guidelines.

Crosses and circles are a legendary game that succeeded mainly because of its simplicity and because, despite the limited field, it offers hundreds of scenarios. It is played on a 3 x 3 checkered field, and the rules are probably well known to everyone. Players alternately draw crosses (x) and circles (o), and the winner is the one who succeeds in stringing his three in a row, column or diagonally. The game can also end in a draw, but there is a way you can always win the game of tic-tac-toe.

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Best chance to win you have if you first place the cross in one of the four corners. If your opponent places the circle in the middle, you can only win if…

How to always win in the game of crosses and circles:

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